the most amazing person in the world...

Jul 02, 2004 02:15

Wow guys I need to lay it on the line for a sec...Wow today I relised how lucky I really am to have Rachael in my life. Today she comes to my baseball game to watch me play even though it is a WASTE of her time watching us because we such but still she was there supporting me. She is ALWAYS there when I need someone to talk to, always there when I need a hug, she's too good to be true. Rachael and I have gone through a lot of crap together with all the fighting and the other crap that has been going on but we've managed to make it through all that and still have even bigger feelings for eachother, now that's saying somethin! In the past I would meet another girl and I would start to like the other girl and then me and that girl would go out and I woulden't be happy and I didn't know why, I didn't know why until now. Rachael is the ONLY girl for me! The ONLY girl who can turn my day from being bad to being GREAT! The only girl who treats me the way I deserve to be treated. I love this girl so much and nothing will even change that. We've had our ups and downs but we've made it through them and now we're good to go. I love you Rachael, never change......PEACE

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