OK, I made up a game. It involves: Me, running around the house, taking close-up pictures of random things, and then posting the pictures on here for you guys to guess what they are. The person that gets the most correct wins a fabulous prize of what, I don't yet know, but rest assured that it will be fabulous, and may involve money and/or drugs. Mind you, you might not get the prize for a while, because I'm shit-broke (whatever that means) but trust that I will fix you up as soon as is humanly possible. People who know me well and have been around my stuff have the obvious advantage, but for the rest of you, make educated guesses and I'm sure you'll do fine.
EDIT: Your first guess is your final guess. No changing guesses after seeing what other people have said.
EDIT, AGAIN: I'll be deleting people's comments soon after I read them, so that people have less of a chance of copying other's answers. Don't worry, I'm writing them down.