(no subject)

May 07, 2005 15:04

ok excuse me for the language but people today are just so fucking stupid. I mean ok look I understand that in the past people were treated bad because of the color of their skin. WHAT THE FUCK. We are all people. We all think we all breathe we all fall in love and we all get depressed. We are all human so why the fuck do we have to create certain classifications for people with different colored skin I mean c'mon people use some fucking common sense. Why would you hate someone because they're middle eastern, or think that you're gonna get mugged when you see a black person walk towards you. Why with all the fucking prejudgement. Why Why Why? let me as you this. How would you feel if someone didnt walk near you because they're where disgusted at the idea of actually being seen next to you. How would you feel if someone didn't talk to you because they thought that you where going to jump them, mug them, rape them, shoot them etc. I mean look I know that there are some bad people but why the fuck can't you just see past all the bull shit that the media shuves in your faces. Look just reject all that crap and live life as a human. Not a Latino a Black a White a Jew an Middle Easter. Look we where all meant to live our lives in peace nto fucking judge people for no fucking reason. Ok I'll admit it, I was a member of a gang in Pacoima since I was little. and i was taught to hate. Do I hate people now? Yeah, but not entire races? I only hate if i have a VALID reason to. I think the only people that I truly hate are ignorant people and the guy that murdered my cousin in fron of me. besides that I have no others. So why should everyone hate YOU because of the color of your skin?? I mean look I know that my ranting might NOT get through to you or maybe it will. That's a risk I'm willing to take. I'm not telling you to NOT hate. You can't not hate...it's human nature. I'm telling you to hate people that deserve to be hated. And don't tell me that all black people deserve to be hated simply because of a few screw ups on a mericas most wanted. just so you know, more crimes are committed by other races than blacks and latinos. We just get the bad rap for some reason. I'm not trying to be some fucking brown/black or whatever races pride activist. That shit is stupid. That just promotes more bad blood. I'm here to promote HUMAN activisism. If we were'nt so fucking racist and segregated we would all have more friends, we would all have more fun, we would all have more interesting subjects to speak about. Look by myself I can do nothing. If you go to hamilton high school look at how fucked up our school is. All the black kids hang out in the cafeteria, all the latinos hang out across the grass and on the tables all the white kids and others hang out infront of the music building (also known as disneyland). Ok know answer this. how much less crowded would the school feel if were all spread out rather than crammed in little corners of the school..cmon people think damnit. Fuck pull your heads out of your ass and fucking do something about it. TALK to people you would never have thought of talking to. I know you might have some doubts. But just fuckng try it. What do you have to lose? nothing. what do you have to gain? some fucking confidence and a new friend. c'mon i'm just saying we should all stop being so fucking stupid and TRY it...JUST TRY TO STOP BEING RACIST AND TALK TO SOMEONE. Cause in reality there is no such thing as race. Just geographical differences. There is no such thing as latino, black, european or asian... There is only Guatemalan French South african AMERICAN Canadian Japanese, Mongolian, Brazilian, Israelite, German,Russian,Cuban,Nigerian,Egyptian,Spaniard and so on... we are not different races...we are all one..it just so happened that we have roots in different places and look a little different. that doesnt mean that i'm not going to have black,white or middle eastern friends, I do... so why can't you...or even the rest of the schools. do me a favor and post this up in your journal...maybe spreading the message my words wouldnt be so meaningless..
thanx for your time...my name is Lenin my lj is wildboy9000 and my myspace is http://www.myspace.com/8912245...

and also if you agree please put down your name...when you paste this on your lj
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