this should be difficult.

Oct 28, 2004 01:58

i usually dont do this sort of stuff. but i remember when justin died, it made me feel like i never told my friends enough how much i loved them. plus its my birthday now, and im sorta S-faced. so im pretty sure it doesnt make a large difference to anyone what the hell i say. lets see if you can deduce which are about you.

Say 20 things to different people that you have never told them. They can be 20 different people, or just a few. Don't say who each one is for.

1. i think you're incredible. not only you, but your family has been very kind to me... when i spend time with you i honestly feel like a valueable friend. not many people give that to me... but i love our conversation. and you always have a way of listening and giving just enough advice to where i feel eased. i'm glad you were placed into my life.

2. you're bitter, and irritating. but in the best way possible. we have too much fun together and i think that our bonds have only gotten stronger since i've moved. i hope that continues to be true throughout our lives.

3. you could quite possibly be the only girl that i've ever really loved. it was an amazing time because you came into my life when i was at a point that i didnt think i was emotionally able to feel for others the way God had intended me to... but you brought me out of that place and taught me a lot about what i really want in a girl. i think about you every day. and im sorry that i could never tell you these things to your face... but im pretty sure its better off that way given your current situation. i miss you.

4. i dont know why i ever dated you.

5. i dont know why i ever dated you either. and i lied to you... i've never lied to any girl about how i was or what i was feeling, but you seemed so vunerable and helpless... i couldnt bring myself to let you down like that. it was a horrible thing to do. i appologize.

6. when we kiss it moves so slowly that i think our lips have become permanently attached and will never seperate. and at the time it usually seems like an ok idea... but then we'd be some freaky-deaky dual headed monstrosity... so it probably isnt.

7. you're a great kid... but grow the eff up already. its long overdue.

8. you're seriously an angel. i've never met a girl so amazing as you... i wish my heart was there. but it isnt. and it would be wrong for me to pretend it was in hopes that things would develope. you'll be incredible to somebody someday... and i guess it could even be me. but i know we'll always be close and never lose touch, and that in itself means a great deal to me.

9. when i was probably 5 years old i got really mad with you. i had made this picture at school of a snowman made of cottonballs. and when i brought it home you acted so proud of me. it was one of the times that i really remember feeling loved. you even insisted on putting it up on the wall in my room next to my bed because you said you thought it was so good. a little while later we got in a fight and i wanted to make you upset because you had upset me so badly, so i took the picture and said "im glad you like this so much" or something equally as childish and i ripped the picture in half. you told me you didnt care and asked me if i thought that was going to hurt you. that it wasnt important to you... that really hurt me and its stuck with me my entire life.

10. you're the only person in my life that has ever inspired me enough to write songs about them.

11. i think you're amazing. and i've since decided that you are the #1 maker-outer ever. thats right... you broke through the ranks and topped my list. we have to do that again sometime.

12. your dedication floors me. its probably unhealthy... but you're gonna be amazing for it. i just hope you'll give me a job so i wont be homeless since im so lazy.

13. you're a challenge. i've always loved challenges... i think its part of what draws me to you. and also part of what scares the fuck out of me about you.

14. you meant a lot to me. not that you dont still, but we've lost touch. at one time i judged you because i was young and ignorant and didnt know any better. i thought you were a bad representation of the things i stood for, but still saw a great heart inside you, which confused me. now i understand... and i hope we get to spend more times together someday like when we were in highschool.

15. i respect you. i've never known you to be unkind or immoral... that takes alot of strength. i often times find myself wishing i were more like you.

16. you really are like family to me. your parents are like my own, and i love you with all my heart. i think my favorite part of the last 4 years has been spending Christmas at your house... and i only hope i get a chance to do it again this year. im glad you're off at school now and i think you'll do great things sometime soon... even though you are voting for bush which is a dumbass idea.

17. i really do think you're the most awesome girl ever. no joke... ever.

18. i already feel attached and thats a little hard to deal with... but im sure not nearly as hard as it would be for you to deal with. i know i get jealous. but thats just because you have already become important to me, and even though i have no right to... i feel like they invade my territory. its a weird masculinity thing i think. and i know i've already made mistakes that should probably make you want to not have anything to do with me, and this probably makes you think that i'm full of crap and i'm not really attached at all... but i just hope you know i'd never do to you what i did to her.

19. i've had this awkward crush on you ever since i first saw you... and it wouldnt be awkward except your really young, and i'd feel old and dirty. but just know that if you never felt like you did that to someone (cause i dont feel like i've ever done that to anyone)... that its not true... and you have.

20. im sorry... but that time i mad out with your sister, and it was more fun that making out with you. if its any consolation i was really devastated when you broke up with me and i wish you'd have been my girl a little later in life when it would have actually had some real potential to be something significant.
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