Apr 03, 2005 00:17
Wow, so I'm back from Pullman safely, and I'm so glad I went! It was great to spend so much time with Lis. I must spring ahead straight to bed, but I will mention that I had a great weekend, I watched The Devil's Advocate w/ Matt and Amber tonight, and feasted on gin (my new A of choice) and tater tots. Who's jealous? Oh yes.
As I drove the 5.5 hours each way, I realize we have a beautiful state. To all my Central buddies, I thought of you as I passed scenic Ellensburg and dined at your Taco Bell. Pullman is fun to visit. Many baseball hats though. It must be the WSU uniform. (The UW uniform is iPods and North Face jackets, by the way). In any case it was a good time to put some thought into those who live in rural areas. They're kind of like the homeless in the fact that you don't think about what it'd be like to live like that very often. That's not insulting ruries by comparing them to hobos, just drawing a corellation. I'm excited for May when Lisa is back on our side of the state.
Uh oh, phone is ringing.. goodnight!