Jun 16, 2005 13:46
"i feel like i'm going to explode from the range of emotions, thoughts and feelings going on inside me. so much has happened in the 4 years of HS, i almost don't feel right about graduating. making and breaking of friendships, the ones you thought would last forever. grandpa passing away almost 3 years ago<|3. falling inlove and getting my heartbroken for the first time. heather being killed in november<|3. laughing so hard your stomach hurts for hours. inside jokes. passing notes. the scared knot in your stomach when the phone rings 3rd period for attendance when you know you've cut. everything... no more "coffee club" meetings by our lockers, no walking each other to class. so sad; so depressing. but to think of life just starting, with so many new opportunities approaching, i want to run away screaming from IHS. i don't know why i can't comfortably leave that place when i hate it with such a passion.
i remember walking into the HS Sept 2001, "raver" pants, carebear tshirt, blue/blonde hair, gel bracelets halfway to my elbows, always in Vans. 2005, i'm walking away in flipflops, AE jeans and a collard polo shirt. *shrugs* it's just weird to watch yourself grow up. sometimes i miss being too immature for my own good. to laugh over the word "noodle"; to make any statement into something sexual\inappropriate. but i love who i am now, i love being able to laugh and act like an idiot. but to have the sense to have a rational conversation and to know when a situation is getting out of hand."
~Llama Fedrich
When I read that I wanted to cry because its all so true and now I just wanna say my peace...
It seems like as we walk away we think about what we could have done different in the past 4 years and what we would have changed and left as it was. Every day that went by in the past 3 have been like "oh man were 1 step closer to being seniors" and now as we came into school this year in september its like "holy shit we made it" and lived the whole year up. And we look now with graduation in about a week and its like where has my 4 years went. We came into HS like geeky nerds...glasses and braces and any mention of penis or vagina made us blush and giggle in palms bio class. Now we're having full blown conversations about our first times and who has sex to what song and what not and it shows something. That we've all matured together as a group and it shows in eachother. And we've all made friend and lost friends and prayed as we got through classes we were sure we'd bomb and throught of ways to cut without getting caught and didn't go to class when our friends weren't there and all the inside jokes from 4 years of mess in HS that turned out to be amazing and now going from one extreme to another is scary. I will never forget my 4 years as IHS because I've grown from them and now the true questions are...where do we go from here and why can't we shake this feeling that we aren't ready and the other half has been ready for the whole year?
Scared isn't the word for what I feel right now. My first thought...how the hell am I gonna be able to walk from my chair to get my diploma and back to my chair without falling flat on my face. My second thought...MAKE UP EVERYWHERE from crying. And I know that there are some people that don't care about graduating but I feel like I'm losing the only thing I've known for 13 years and now its all brand new...
Your true friends will shine through on this...Laura, D, Reese, Lilly, Diana, and Dayna, thank you all so much for this year, I know you guys are my shining stars and this year would have been impossible without you guys.
I'm not forgetting anyone, and I thank you all but if I actually sat here and wrote out every name this entry would be HUGE and its already too long so I will end with thank you to everyone that has been there this year...
It's times like these you learn to live again...
It's times like these you give and give again...
It's times like these you learn to love again...
It's times like these, time time again