nursery update

Apr 20, 2010 13:52

Jay and I have accomplished a lot in the nursery this past week or two. We really came to a stand still last month, but now that the shower has happened there was more work to do. I've gotten all of the baby clothes sorted, washed, and put away, all of the bedding washed and put in the crib, and the changing table all stocked until we go cloth. Now we just have a few things left to hang on the walls and need to get our rocking chair from Babies R Us.

The best shot I could get of the room as a whole so far.

Daphne's crib. The print on the sheet is little elephants, it's what brought about the theme of the room.

Colton's crib. One of our shower gifts was custom, handmade taggie blankets. They have the kids' names on them and the same elephants from the wall.

The closet! Complete organized chaos. Daphne's clothes is on the top rack, Colton's clothes on the bottom rack. Lots of storage in the green totes, plastic bins, and on the floor.


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