it just landed

May 01, 2005 18:14

the purplr is finally in my hair and i am loving it! i want more. it kindasortanotreally already started to fade. ill touch it up before prom. speaking of which its around the corner and i have exactly 20 days to make my dress!(was gonna make it, then just but it, but now im making it). im just gonna wing it and if it doesnt come out perfecto who cares.

swim on friday was good. i PRD 3 times. im so happy. but kinda sad...league finals are this week and i feel like i didnt even improve that. im gonna have to swim hard at tustin. then in nite i spent some quality mexican time at hometown buffet. LOL. it was loud. it was crowded. its was entertaining. oh yea then somehow my nana maria was able to make it and tonia aka ET. hahahahah. when i went home i felt really dirty. i think its because i havent been that close to that many mexicans in "many many moons".

oh yea then i went to my hero Neda Saghafi's bday party that was fun. i love you Neda

chelsea m'lady taught me this great song from Avenue Q, a musical. you have to hear it one day
"not big judgements like who to hirs or who to buy a newspaper from, no no...little ones like, thinking that mexican busboys can learn to speak damn english!"-princeton Avenue Q
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