Dec 10, 2007 13:09
So we're leaving Christchurch tomorrow for about a week to do some sightseein then coming back for xmas and new years. On Jan 2nd we're up to Auckland/ Warkworth for 2 more weeks of farming with the Verdonk clan then back down to Auckland on the 17th. The 18th is the big day out concert and then in the wee hours of the next morning we're flying to Melbourne where we're going to spend 2 weeks then on Jan 29th we're flying to Sydney for a few days. On Feb 3rd we're flying to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. That's all that we have planned so far. Today we're going to get vaccinations which should hopefully be okay and not too painful or have too many after effects of doom. We shall see in time.
In other news I'm pretty happy with life and still have no idea when I'm coming home. Yesterday was my last day of work at the hotel and for that I am glad although I might work the holidays but in Food and Beverage doing functions or something like that. We'll see.
Hope all is well on that side of the world. You're all in my thoughts. Really!
Love, Shari