Aug 21, 2006 17:23
So I made my journal public again. After about 3 years I think I'm mature enough to handle people reading about my life. I think I originally made it private so I could rant about how annoying and dissapointing all boys were but I at least know one that makes me happy so that time has passed.
I'm just overall pretty happy with my life and I don't think there's anything that needs to be kept secret. I honestly, don't have time for drama. Between classes, jobs, and cannoneering I am way to busy to stress about the small stuff. My free time belongs to enjoying the company of my friends and my Patrick. It's been so nice that lately even though we hardly have time to sit down, we've both tried our hardest to be cute and not let the stress affect our relationship. It's awesome because thats exactly what we were hoping to accomplish this year and the fact that we're both busy helps us come to a common understaning of the situation.
I'm so worried tho... the kittens had to go into the vet this morning to get fixed and they're staying over night. Granted, its very peaceful without them here but I miss my babies. Where's my Callie knocking down every peice of furniture and where's my Rocco meowing because he's not asleep in someone's lap or face down it a bowl of Kitten Chow?? I love those guys so much and I want them to be home and healthy and in my arms.
In other news, this week is awesome.. busy but awesome. With all the new freshmen activities, there are lots of events with FREE FOOD. YUM!!! I got a welcome week calendar from the Visitor Center work and highlighted all the free food events. Plus, we have our rally-committee events, and of course the Graduate Assembly is hosting a ton of things and I get dibs on the leftovers there as well. Food ~> happy Nikki for sure.
I guess that's it for now. I was mucho overdue for an update bc I've been MIA from everything but I had spare time (wha??!?!) so I decided to update~