Feb 22, 2010 17:07
When Chuck had decided to skip out on the spring break trip and go back home he thought he'd spend his time working, hanging out with Nate, working some more and then possibly trying out the whole quality time with his family thing. It wasn't something he was used to and he knew it would take some work to make everything run smoothly.
When Chuck came home to his stepmother playing house with the Humphreys, he realized that no amount of work was going to ever make this okay.
Chuck didn't expect Lily to stay single after his dad died but he did think she was going to, you know, wait until the grave was cold before moving on. And he certainly didn't think she'd go for a Humphrey. This distasteful trait obviously ran in the family, if the googly eyes Serena was giving Dan at dinner were any indication. How incestuous and creepy was that? Not very, you say? Well how about after we add the fact that Dan and Serena had shared a half sibling?
Yeah, Chuck thought that was gross too when Eric told him about it yesterday.
As he sat at the dinner table trying to ignore Dan and Serena's gross sexual tension, Jenny's horrible fashion sense and Rufus' attempts at conversation, he couldn't help but toy with the idea of taking back this whole adoption thing and being an orphan again. It wasn't all bad. Plenty of superheroes did it and everything seemed to work out for them.
Or maybe he'd just flip the table dramatically and flounce.
[Oh, van der Bassphreys. Mostly establishy but you can go ahead and call/visit to save him from his own personal hell if you want]
family: van der bassphreys,
fact: so this is what hell looks like,
fact: wolves did it,
the cw: we like boundary issues,
fact: christmas is gonna be weird,
place: nyc