One more entry before bed...

Nov 19, 2004 04:40

I've mentioned it a few times, and maybe I hide it pretty well, but depression has overtaken me lately, and it only seems to be getting worse. Everytime I think I'm starting to get better, bam! it's back. I think I just have a good day here or there, and then I think things are okay again. Part of my problem, is that I'm really really hard on myself. I don't ever give myself enough credit, and I always think about how terrible I am at things. As a result, I've been trying to change that attitude and focus on what is good about me, and what I AM good at.

So, what I'm asking each and every one of you to do, is reply to this post and tell me what I'm good at, something good about me, what you like about me, a good memory of me, or just something positive about me. Or, just something that will make me smile.

Yes, this sounds egocentrical, selfish, and whatever. I don't care. I just think it will be good for me to hear, and give me good ideas about things I can focus on that are good, because I still haven't learned how to see these things in myself so I'm not really finding any yet.
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