Aug 15, 2005 01:43
Your Life____
[x] they call me: Kinsey, Frinsey, Frins, Frinso
[x] sex: girrrl
[x] my first breath of air: 11-22-92
[x] occupation: mmm...i guess babysit ?? ^_^
[x] most memorable memory: hm..i dont know
[x] first word uttered: uhmm..
[x] first best friend ever: idk i guess Fremma or Lauren
[x] love is: Amazingggg
[x] Been in love?: neeeeooope
[x] love or lust: love
[x] best love song: hm..some song by dashboard
[x] is there such thing as love at first sight?: mm hmm
__Opposite Sex__
[x] turn ons: eyes, style, and their music
[x] do your parent's opinion on your bf/gf matter to you?:not really
[x] sweetest thing a member of the opposite sex can do for you?: idk...there's a lot a guy can do
[x] where do you go to meet new people?: umm...i guess livejournal,
[x] are you the type of person to HOLLER and ask for numbers?:no..
[x] dog or cat: Love em both
[x] short hair or long hair:loooong hair is super sexayyy :)
[x] sunshine or rain: I love rain, and
[x] 1 best friend or 10 acquaintances: BESTEST BUDDY
[x] written letters or emails: either
[x] car or motorcycle: car =]
[x] sing or dance: um...guys singing is pretty cool
[x] freak or slow dance: slow..pahhaha
__More About You__
[x] if you were a crayon, what color would you be?:Umm...i dont know...depends on how i feel
[x] have you ever almost died?: noo
[x] What is the next CD you're going to buy?: umm i want lots..i guess maybeee...AHH idk
[x] what's the best advice ever given to you?: dont let what other people think of you effect who you are
[x] what's the stupidest thing you've ever done? hmm...eaten a bunch of shit and then feeling like poop ha...i have no idea what bad descisions i made
[x] how many kids do you want to have?: no more than two
[x] what are you scared of most? pain, cirtain basements x_o
[x] have you ever broken/sprained/fractured a bone?: si
[x] who do you dream about?: my friends
[x] who do you tell your dreams to?:mm friends XD
___This or That___
[x] blue/pink: blue
[x] LOTR/Harry Potter: harry potter...the movies are cool
[x] car/truck:..truck?
[x] summer/fall: Fall all the way
[x] winter/spring: winter = ♥
[x] pencil/pen: pen
[x] white eraser/pink eraser: pink..
[x] coffee/hot chocolate:hot chocolate
[x] hot/cold: coooold
[x] cartoons/reality: i looove cartoons...and reality....but cartoons more ^_^
[x] right handed/left handed:right
[x] single/taken: single
[x] only child/siblings: uno hermano...spanish for one brother aaaha im smart!
[x] book/magazine: love books... love reading
[x] singer/actor: actor
[x] die young/die old:umm...die old...liiiiiive life
[x] black pen ink/blue pen ink: blackk
[x] Rolling Stones/Beatles: both are great..I love the stones more though..
[x] Coke/Pepsi:P E P S I...pepsi
[x] do you play any instrument?: geeeeeeetar
[x] 3 favorite generes of music: old school rock...punk...alternative
[x] what's the most you've ever spent on a concert/show?: idk maybe 30 bucks?
[x] Do you think buying merch at a concert then wearing it there is corny: yeahhh..oops i did that once...that was when i was young and stupid...muahaha
[x] Do you listen to any bands that you'd be ashamed to admit listening to?: mmmm...i dont think so..?
[x] do you believe there's a difference between "love" and "in love"?: uh huh
[x] What song describes your love life right now?: .....umm...o.o
[x] what do you think of designer labels:nahhh
[x] do you sing?:sometimes...funnn
[x] what color is your room?puuurple
[x] BW or color photos:love both ways...i like b&w dramatic effect?? buahaha
[x] what kind of hair products do you use: umm..not reallyy any cept for some smoothing non frizz stuff...but i barely use that anymore really
[x] who do you sit with at lunch? mmm well school hasnt started yett
[x] do you like the sound of your own voice when you hear it played back?: no..uckk
[x] do you use internet shorthand: Not usually...
[x] how often do you bathe?:usually every day
[x] are you a people-pleaser: mmm..sure?
[x] do you wear make-up?: Yeahh.. i like make-up lots...It's fun to put on :).
[x] been to NY?: mmm i wishh
[x] Flordia?: mnmm
[x] California?: not yettt wanna go there lotss
[x] Hawaii?: noope ..but that would be fun
[x] Mexico?: no
[x] Canada?: yes...i go there lots to see my cousins
[x] danced naked?:hah i dont think sooo
[x] dreamed something really crazy and then it happens the next day?: umm i don't think soo
[x] stalked someone?: noo
_The Last Few Questions_
[x] what book are you reading now?: 10 Things To Do Before I Die
[x] What's on your mouse pad?: on the laptop so nothing... like kelsey :)
[x] favorite sound: thunderrrr...and rain
[x] worst feeling in the world: scared..unless when it's when you're watching a movie
[x] what's the first thing you think when you wake in the morning? what time is it??
[x] do you like scary or exciting rollercoasters:excitinggg
____Do You____
[x] believe in miracles: yupp
[x] concider yourself tolerant of others?: sure
[x] consider love a mistake: noo
[x] have a favorite candy: m hmm... MOUNDS
[x] believe in astrology: i dunno..maybe not
[x] have a secret crush: nahh
[x] do they know yet: aslkdf;als
[x] have a best friend?:not just one
[x] wish on stars: well i dont really know what that means..but sure :)
[x] first crush: i remember but never will i tell :)
[x] do you believe in "the one": yeahh
___Juicy stuff___
[x] have you ever played a game that required removal of clothing: no
[x] have you ever been caught "doing something": nahh
[x] shy to make the first move: umm i guess not??
[x] hair:sort of dark brown...?
[x] eyes: brown
[x] height: 5'
__Have You Ever__
[x] dated one of your bestfriends: no
[x] loved somebody so much it made you cry: no
[x] drank alcohol: mmm i dont think so maybe just like tasted some of my dad's beer or something :)
[x] broken the law: i dont think so... i teepeed but i dont know if that would be considered breaking the law
[x] run away from home: i don't think so
Well, that was fun.