Apr 29, 2005 17:25
hey guys,
okayyyyy...soooooschool was boring,
first: umm finnished notes i thinkkkk???
second: me and kristin worked on that really gay packetttt for scienceeeee
third: keyboardinggg,,,errr i hate it so boring
fourth: tok test, um dont think i did so good :o
lunchhhh: was funnn jackie got mad at me again lol ;) hah whateverrrrr
fifth: spanishh, always a pleasure, took our quiz, that was pretty easy..does anyone know how to say to work in spanish??
sixth: read the outsiders againnnn sad sad,,,but good
okay well taht was my day at school,,,,thennn i came home and mady my self a microwave mac n cheesseeee yum..thennni went over stephs house and we just hung out and then lily came and thennnn they had to go to the carnival thing for athens..aha have fun there guys,,,,,umm so i just got home and ...well when they get home i guess theyre gonna come over and we are gonna chill out dude.yesyesyesyesyes.....okay im gonna goooo later guysss.....
see yahhh