(no subject)

Sep 22, 2004 21:35


So yeah, the mood picture above is probably telling you right now that I am "pissed off" and I can confirm to you all that I am PISSED OFF. Everyone has been telling me to do crap for them, some of it I need to do, some of it I committed to a long timme ago, but its making me mad the way everyone expects so much from me. Just for kicks, here's a list of stuff I need to do or have done this week:

-Band practice wednsday night
-Make a 128 count cadence for band
-Finish the drumline act for rhapsody
-Play percussion for a girls trio for rhapsody including rehersals on tuesday, thursday, and saturday
-Finish me, tim, and ben's band act for rhapsody
-Ask 2 people to write recomendation letters for college
-Finish college applications
-Work at the MCFTA all day sunday, monday, and saturday
-Mow the neighboor's lawn
-Order my senior pictures
-Teach drum lessons thursday night
-March at the football game friday
-Finish my art project this week (which I doubt I'll be able to do in class)

In conclusion, that means I have been or will be busy all day sunday, monday, friday, and saturday. In addition to that, I won't have more than 2 hours to spare on thursday. That pretty much leaves half of wednsday and most of tuesday free for me to do all the other miscelaneous crap that I have to do. Oh yeah, and that means I won't be able to go to tuckie's birthday party on saturday either which really really suckzors teh big one.

Mostly I'm pissed off right now as opposed to stressed out becasue I just got done with band and the drumline sucks. Thats all there is to it. They suck. They don't listen to me. The can't do anything on their own. Judy and Roger always screw everything up when I tell the drumline to do something. It really pisses me off when people are too stupid to follow a simple command, like don't talk. To top it all off, when people don't do what I say and I have to yell at them, suddenly I become the bad guy. I don't want to be the bad guy, and I really don't like being pissed off.

Lesson for Today: Freshmen are helpless and retarted, especially when they call you racist for telling them to be quiet durring band.
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