Mar 24, 2006 22:17
Well, these days have become somewhat of a milestone for me. For this past year I have accomplished alot of soul searching and discovering of who I am. Now in knowing more about myself with the help of some, I have begun to see people differently aswell as the impact I may have on them. I have realized now that I have nothing in common with alot of the people I know. I find the droll and boring, pushy and ignorant, I find that they lack interest in life itself. They continue to build there own road blocks, and are just plain out lazy. That goes for almost everyone I am with on a daily basis. I cannot wait until Adam gets back and we can start our life togeather. I am not doing so well being alone, faithful, but lonley. I have met some great people this year and I believe that is what has changed my opinion of my own friends. I realized that the average person is a free person. I hate control freaks , I hate people who believe they are royalty but have never left there fucking couches to earn an ounce of respect in this world. Although the friends I have here would never admit to my glory because they prey on sour feelings, I have done alot of amazing things that they can never touch. I pride in knowing people whome are also strong in the same ways. It is so important to do more, no matter the circumstance. Anyways I know that things will be better soon, I hopefully will be moving dt within this year. I will be much happier there with the comfort of the crowd. anyways rockstar out.