Feb 13, 2007 09:20
type your name + "needs" into google. gives you a pretty good insight into the interweb.
Silas needs to pee, identifies an upright architectural feature, and takes a leak.
Silas needs your help
Silas needs all the changes made on Paul since Silas left the cluster.
Silas needs no flashbacks to explain his connection with the Bishop; he’s a fanatic who’s been tricked into being a tool of the Teacher.
Silas needs a diaper change.
Silas needs a lot of attention and care, so please come visit him today.
Silas needs to be in school.
Silas needs [to] work on his quick trigger and turnovers, but he is fearless and a true scorer that can get his own shot.
SILAS needs email cadres to send letters to the university administration, student government, local leaders, and international figures.
Silas needs the talent on the floor; he will make the pieces fit.
Silas needs better shot selection.
Silas needs to get rid of the facial hair.
Silas needs to go for it.
Silas needs no introduction.