Mar 01, 2006 19:45
We have a warm-up we do in choir that was especially invented for days like this. We sing "It is a beautiful day", climbing the scale and crescendo up into "eau", then back down. Yeah- well I sang it in my head a few times today. Today has been awesome, for the following reasons:
Um, the weather.
I went to my study abroad appt., and have decided to spend a semester in Spain. Not sure when- probably some spring. Yay!!!
Went to Ovid's, which is always awesome.
Took a nap.
Woke up to an email that I have been looking forward to about becoming an RA! Sweet.
Project Runway is tonight.
So on the topic of this whole lent thing: We all know I'm not exactly the most catholic person out there, and I'm not going to mass on Ash Wed., and quite honestly I don't really know if I believe in "giving something up" and "no fish on fridays". However, it's still not a bad idea I think, just to be mindful of those who have less than you, and appreciate what you have a little more. So I have decided to choose that reasoning as opposed to supporting the Catholic religion. Love finding those loop holes. Therefore I will be giving up all forms of Coke (as I do every lent), and I too am following Dobson's lead and gaining something. There is a women's shelter that my frat works with, and they have a new program about mentoring young girls- so that's what I'm going to do. Fin.
Hope you all had an equally awesome day! All my love, and can't wait for Spring break!! Love~ Alex