strtfrm_scratch The I's
i want: to get my own apartment
i have: no father
i wish: i didn't live here
i hate: many people
i miss: vickie
i fear: failure
i hear: only rock music
i search: for answers
i wonder: things will ever be better with him and me
i regret: shoplifting
i love: tJ and the FOBolous Five
i ache: all over
i always: laugh too much
i am not: perfect
i dance: all the time
i sing: 24/7
i cry: only when i'm mad
i am not always: nice
i write: all the time
i win: everything
i lose: nothing
i confuse: too easily
i need: nothing
i should: get more sleep
father thinks: i'm a slut
mother thinks i am: perfect how i am
my boyfriend/girlfriend thinks i am: "all he ever wished for"
three things you are often complimented for: hair, ass, clothes
you get embarrassed when: molly yells "HEY THAT'S YOUR FRIEND!!!!" extremely loud across the mall so that everyone looks at me.
makes you happy: my friends
upsets you: molly's dad
you keep a diary: online (LJ DUH!)
you like to cook: all the time
you have a secret you have not shared with anyone: semi-true, confusing question.
youre in love: right now
you set your watch a few minutes ahead: yes 10 mins
you bite your fingernails: i suck my thumb
you believe in love: occasionally
in the last 24 hours have you...
cried: no
helped someone: yes
bought something: yes
gotten sick: no
gone to the movies: no
gone out for dinner: yes
said "i love you": yes
written a real letter: no
talked to an ex: yes
missed an ex: kinda
written in a journal: yes
talk to someone you crush on: only tJ
had a serious talk: no
missed someone: yes
hugged someone: yes
fought with your parents: no
fought with a friend: no
Answer these quick and without too much thinking. they're more true that way.