Nov 01, 2006 13:25
Last night was lots of fun. Trick-or-treating went fine, no one really gave us a hard time. Most people found us amusing. If they were kinda hesitant and looking at us weird, we would usually just say that there weren't enough little kids out (cuz there weren't!) and that we had to fill in the gap. The only person that was really rude to us was the guy in Debbie's old house. He was a complete Asshat. When he saw us he goes "Oh you've got to be kidding me" and then told us to "line up because he was eating on the fly" we lined up and he proceeded to fling candy at us while stuffing a piece of hawaiian pizza in his nasty piehole. Deb and Marie were trying to be friendly by saying that they used to live there, and he just said "really? that's nice" and continued to chow down. So other than that, we didn't have any problems. Some funny events went down due to the fact that Chris was dressed as Michael Myers...he never went up to the houses with us but rather stood at the ends of driveways like our dad, trying to creep out any other random passerby by moving really slowly and not talking. A group of kids was heckling him and he started slowly crossing the street towards them. They gradually shimmied backwards as he came closer, and then he flung his arms up and growled and they took off running. It was pretty hilarious. There was also a guy passing out candy at a house dressed as Jason, and another older trick-or-treater let Chris use his axe and Michael and Jason had a showdown. It was quite entertaining, especially with the myriad of costumed characters that were watching the event. One guy also told Chris his cousin was really scared of him, but he was old enough to scare without feeling bad, so he asked him to hide behind the jeep in the driveway and start following him when he came back from the door. It was fun. Trick or treating has changed a lot since we were seemed like all the kids in that neighborhood were going around in one mass mob with several parents chaperoning. Lots of people started turning their lights off really early too. It's too bad that the world has become such a scary place that parents won't let their kids run amok for hours like we used to. There were cops patrolling the neighborhood of them slowed down and looked at us funny when we were standing on a streetcorner having a cigarette break...they were probably trying to see if the smokers were old enough...they most certainly were! And after trick or treating and digging through our candy, trading and giving out what we didn't like, we went to hang out at a bowling alley, which just happens to be haunted by several curious spirits. Can't get much creepier than that. Fun times though!