(no subject)

Mar 29, 2010 23:05

Okay motherfucker, you say you have a life, then why don't you leave me alone?! Its really kinda sick and twisted that after two years, YOU are still the one following ME. I cut you out of my life completely and yet you are still keeping tabs on me and fucking with me via LIVEJOURNAL. I know why though, if you did it anywhere else *coughfacebookcough* your little girlfriend might see and realize what a psycho you are. Don't think I'm stupid. Bet she would love to see some questionable photos that I STILL HAVE OF YOU and would love to get a message about how you like to spend the night with ex girlfriends when you have new ones. You don't know me at all anymore. I'm not the weak, co-dependent person that stayed in an unhealthy relationship with you for three years. I may not have found the perfect job yet, but I DO make good money (more than you ever will at the job your aunt GAVE to you) and I DO work hard. Oh and by the way, collecting unemployment is NOT living off of the government, you only get what you have paid in, so its money I have already MADE. I don't know what it is that leads you to believe you can waltz into my life and insult me still, but if you have the life you say you have, lead it and let me have mine.
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