I'm Back

Mar 06, 2013 21:19

I'm Back!  Though Probably no really.

Jessica was talking about Fandom March Madness, and I thought "that sounds like fun" so i thought maybe I would come back and see what's up.

To be honest, I don't really have anything to blog about, so I spend most of my fuck off time over on tumblr. (ineedthislikeaholeinthehead if you're interested)  but since I was over here, I checked my friends list, and lo and behold, some people I really miss are still on here.  Even if they don't realize I still care, it's nice to be able to look through and see what's been going on in people's lives.

What's been going on in my life since I last posted, which, it looks like, might have been the day before I graduated college (which was June, 2011) The answer is: not much.

I suppose an update on living situation is in order.  Crystal and I upgraded from our crummy little studio in North Hills to a 4 bedroom single family house in Woodland Hills.  We're rooming with Katie and Jes from college, and it's definitely been a good choice.  I was really nervous about moving so much further into this side of the Valley, but it was actually a blessing, because I landed a job in Calabasas, so it's actually much closer than the apartment was.

We are infested with cats.  Crystal and Katie already had cats before we moved in together, and Jes has two, and my mom, who's always been allergic to cats, asked me to adopt my sister's cat, so the human to cat ratio is 4:5.  We are outnumbered, and it's both weird and entertaining.

Crystal is in her last semester of an AA in Child Development.  She is transferring to get a Bachelor's in Anthropology, either in the fall or next January.  As for me.. Well, lets see, in my last post i complained:  "I just want to have a little more life before I have to give up this pretend dream about being a writer and turn into some boring nobody failure version of the CPA's"

And well, basically, that's my what I did.  Not the having a little more life part. Just the being a boring nobody failure version of the CPA's.

I was so burnt out after graduation, and always knew I'm not talented enough to actually be a writer, so when I went job hunting, I went pretty much in the exact opposite direction.  I ended up in Non Profit Constituent Relations.  Actually, I started out as a data entry clerk, but six months in, my supervisor quit, and I got her job.  Which would be all fine and dandy if it had come with the right pay raise.   But, in a year and a half, I've worked my way up from the lowest rung on the totem pole to a real job with actual skills and supervisory responsibilities.  So, I guess you take the good with the bad.

My job consumes most of my complaints, but hey, it beats bitching about a shitty relationship, and I can safely say that I'm having a good time with the relationship.  I'm even completely out of the closet!  Seriously, this is my first job where I'm not having to worry about saying something a little too telling about my "roommate" Crystal, and my parents know about it, and even Crystal's parents do.  It's still a little weird between the bible thumpery ones, but it wasn't as weird as I thought it would be.  Being really out I think has  taken a whole lot of stress off us.  There is something about being able to tell some one "No, this is my girlfriend"  that's been really freeing.    I definitely never would have come out while I was living in Riverside County, but I am really really glad I did now that we're living on our own, it's all out in the open.

Growing up, everyone thought I was just some poor straight fat girl who couldn't get a date, and now everyone just assumes that I'm 100% gay.  It's kind of funny, gay or straight, people just want to put you in a box so they don't have to deal with the fact that things aren't that cut and dry.  I suppose it really doesn't matter.  I'm an old woman who's still in love with her high school sweetheart, and since that happens to be a girl, what does it matter if a good percentage of the rest of my sexual appetite is satiated by the male physique?

I wish I could tell a story that was different.  I wish I could say some interesting turn of events had changed my life from what I thought it was going to be, but it just won't happen.  I'm spineless, and quiet, and mostly harmless.  I can't say that things are wonderful, but I can't say that things are terrible either, and living in this safe limbo is where I'm at,

Perhaps I'll learn to seize the day, but 27 years of existing has shown me to be a pretty bland person... so I wouldn't hold my breath for anything other than the normal milestones related to mediocrity.

That's not the best not to end on... but what else could be expected from me?  Lol.
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