Jun 04, 2006 02:53
Last night, I slept in a Sara sandwich. It went, CHANEL LAPOO - ME - ANTHONY, and it was grand.
Tonight, I'm sleeping alone, because Anthony is taking off to Austin tomorrow, and Chanel LaPoo has a newfound love for killing opposums, and keeps doing it nightly. Yeah. Poodles who kill opposums are not allowed in my room.
The show on Wednesday was great. I had all my close friends in one small, hot, smokey place. I danced with Michael, played movie trivia with Isaac and Anthony, got my face saved by Leslie, and shared laughs with everyone afterwards at my birthday party.
I felt loved.
And for that, I am thankful.
My Jesus loves me.
It's insane to think that He loves me (and you) as if we were the only person in the world.
Insane in a good way.
My love for my Jesus, my friends, my family, and Anthony feels like it's going to explode out of me.
On a much lesser note: I have been obssessed with wings (like the kind birds have, not the kind you eat) since I saw X3. My first thought out of the theatre was, 'I want my boyfriend to have wings.' I'm thinking of getting wings tattooed on my back. Above my back piece. Not huge, but small wings that are proportionate to my back. I'm still pondering on this idea... I don't know if I'll be as enthustiastic about my wings when I'm 40. Or 60. Or 22 even. I'll pray about it and see what God wants me to do.
Hugs, kisses, and love, love, love, Sara