Apr 03, 2006 09:52
So I haven't been around this thing in a few days or around anything except work and my babe. Friday was a cool day I went to work at 9:00 and left at 11 to go shopping and then to the race track, being there was such a weird expirience it is very very neat. Friday night Ben and I went to have some sushi it was so nice having him here. Saturday was the race I got there at 7am to set up omg was it nuts but very fun Ben showed up around 11 and stayed for the rest of the day which was nice durring the awards Ben was packing up stuff in my car and I totally got hit on it was so hiarious especially since it was a guy all us girls were talking about earlier that morning. His name is Xavier put everyone calls him X which I find funny since that is my brother in laws name...but anyways me and ben and everyone headed over to hooters for the after party and X was there wow was that uncomfortable, ben was having fun with it since he knows I would never do anything to ruin our relationship this time.( i cheated on him when I went to orlando for my 21st birthday and broke up with him to date a guy that lived in london) but at hooters it was fun we were drinking and just all having a blast. I knew it was short lived though since Ben had to go back home the next morning. Yesterday I woke up and Ben was still here it was nice, he decided to stay for one more day even though I had to work at noon, work was fun I got to put the little kids in thier positions for the pictures..anyways that is about it I need to go run some arrands and get my hair cut. I am off today which is nice but I feel so bad I know I am going to have tons of messages tomorrow and tons to do.