Nov 07, 2006 13:27
I am SOOOO behind on Nano. I haven't written a daggone thing since Friday. I'm gonna put in a couple hours tonight and tomorrow, and hopefully just buckle down hard on Thursday and Friday. The good news is that even though I'm not writing, the story is still unfolding in my head, so when I do sit down, I already know where I'm going.
Oh, and I have an excuse for not writing yesterday. I got to take a super-duper fun trip to Urgent Care after I broke out in full body hives and my face swole up like a prize fighter. I'm on steroids for the next week (I have to take 6 pills today), so I should have LOADS of writing energy. Plus, I'm secretly kind of hoping to go into 'roid rage by the end of the week. Just to say I did.
Oh, and a HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY to my super awesome best friend (4-eva!) Miss Shana. I love you chickie and I hope you have many many more great birthdays and awesome memories.