Oh holy shit here we go.

Mar 26, 2008 17:50


I do not understand the plight of the world where stupid fucking MISSY is allowed to live. I can't even say that enough times to really understand it. She's so fucking brain dead. And I don't give a shit who on my friend's list is friends with her. I don't have her added and this is friend's only so if this leaks out (not like I fucking care it wouldn't be my first run in with the asshole) I'll know it was one of you.

I just can't understand the dribble that comes from her 60 year old flabtastic mouth. "I dated Die" "I met this person" Fucking shut the fuck up you delusional piece of shit. Why in god's name would Die...someone so fucking hot girls would literally pay to sleep with him, date a 60 year old living in NY? PLEASE OH HOLY LORD TELL ME WHAT MEDICATIONS SHE'S ON SO I CAN TAKE THEM AND LIVE IN FANTASY LAND AS WELL! I know people that actually met famous people. I know people that have had one or more "run ins" we'll say, with famous people and not ONE of them scream it from the rooftops. Sure, I don't doubt she's met people. Maybe even DEG but dating? yeah ok whatever.

You're an ugly ass troll, get over yourself, no jrocker wants you. Maybe Seek but that's being mean to Seek. A Fat Lolita wouldn't want you let along a young attractive Jrocker.

Also another thing you pathetic piece of old garbage. Stop with your dumb Sugizo bashing. You make no fucking sense. Sugizo was picked to fill in for hide in X Japan cause he had MASSIVE ties to X Japan and hide. He was great friends with them for a LONG time. No duh he was picked to be their fill in guitarist. MIYAVI HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH FUCKING X JAPAN EXCEPT BEING THE RUN OF THE MILL FANBOY LIKE THE REST OF THEM. (Ok a "fan" not fanboy sorry I am mad.) Miyavi while yes a talented guitar player (I'll give him that for now) had NOTHING to do with X Japan. He wasn't a friend or anything, probably didn't know hide personally blah blah blah. I don't care if you're on Miyavi's dick now (or perhaps your medication makes you think you are) get over it. Sugizo is more talented than Miyavi's middle finger. I'm sorry. He is. Let's all be honest. Second.........................there is no second.

Also Sugizo has mentioned several times he was influence by music all over the god damn world. Stop pointing out that he "stole" things from Jimmy Page or whatever. Everyone steals styles, techniques etc. So Sugizo plays violin....so do 20 thousand other Japanese people doesn't mean he STOLE the violin act. There's about 3 billion people in Japan and Jrock that play the piano did they "Steal" it from Mozart? no. So shut the fuck up already.

You just WISH you were half as talented as Sugizo's big toe was. Dick head.

Also stop pretending Die left you and hurt you so much. DIE DOESN'T CARE! HE GOT A FUCKING RESTRAINING ORDER ON YOU FOR A REASON! Does it make you proud that whenever someone mentions "Die stalking" or "crazy rabid fanslut" you're the first one that comes to mind in ANYONE'S head? Die hates you, you are ugly, you are sad, you are pathetic and you are a loser so please leave poor Die alone. He has enough issues with his band being fugly at the moment to worry if you are going to jump out from behind a tree and scream "MY BOYFRIEND!" after a live and make him spill his starbucks.

In closing:

Shut your god damn mouth already cause you're sticking up our fandoms.

Oh and leave Aoi from Gazette alone, he doesn't need you stalking him. It's embaressing that someone as attractive as him has some ugly, old, crazy, med-ed up, loser, grandmother stalking him. I don't even like Gazette and I feel sorry for him.

crystal, fandom wank, fangirls, please die, fanslut

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