Apr 27, 2005 04:12

well taylors single...for three effing months. whats up with that? agh. oh well. it doesnt matter bc i prolly shouldnt be obsessed with him.

omfg i got a effin 86 on my math test. math...can you believe it? its the first good grade in math of the year. ive gotton d's and f's so i was like doing the wave. seriously mrs.martin was dancing when she gave it to me. i had to get a 74 or higher...but i got an 86! YEAH BABY!

well anyways...after band me, amber, jack, daniel, this dude chase and ried had a mosh pit. it was awesome. it was in that hall by the girls locker room and amber ran in to me so i ran into her and we screamed mosh pit and everyone joined in. i swear i like jammed my ankle or something. then we ran off and everyone lost each other until i saw daniel in the hall and amber, jack, and ried in science. it was awesomely awesome.

well i just talked to taylor...i dont think he likes me anymore. he just said i g2g ttyl and usually he says ::hugs:: or ilu. i feel like crying. i seirously CANT get over him to save my life. its pretty sad, i know. its just...i always thought id get married and have kids, and that all of that was a given, but now that i see how many people get divorced and break up and have to go through all that drama, im thinking what if its not? its crazy i know and really really stupid, but oh well. i still have...um...::counts on fingers::...atleast 9 years. i wanna get married when im 22 and have kids when im around 25 or 26. its a good plan. so i should be with the guy when im about...err...19 maybe and then get engaged when im about...oh crap. i wanna have atleast a year to plan the wedding and...okay i take all that back. i wanna meet the guy when im 19, get engaged when im 21, get married when im 23, have kids when im 25 or 26. yes!!! my plan is worked, i love this plan. so thats 10 years to meet the man of my dreams! woooooohoooooo! alrighty then. well um yeah.



x3 kelly
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