board as hellllll.......................

Jun 23, 2005 02:41

1. Spell your first name backwards: hannavas
2. The story behind your user name: it was my screen name basicly
3. How old are you: 18
4. Where do you live: waterford

5. Wallet - dont have dont like those..

6. Hairbrush - blue
7. Toothbrush - white & green
8. Jewelry worn daily - white braclet
10. Pillow cover - i have alot of pillows
11. Blanket - i have a few of those too
13. Sunglasses - currently dont have any of those

14. Favorite shirt - i dont no
15. Cologne/Perfume -Hollister
16. CD in stereo right now - the used
17. Piercing - ears
18. What you are wearing now -blue shorts and a hollister shirt
20. Wishing - i could fall asleep
21. After this - I'm gonna try to go to bed
22. If you could get away with it and murder anyone, who and for what?i dont think i would kill anyone
23. Person you wish you could see right now - anyone im soo bored
24. Some of your favorite movies - umm maybe sin city
26. The last thing you ate - fries
27. Something that you are deathly afraid of - spiders
28. Do you like candles - sometimes
29. Do you like incense - yeah
30. Do you like the taste of blood - no
31. Do you believe in love - yes
32. Do you believe in soul mates - yes
33. Do you believe in love at first sight - umm not really
34. Do you believe in Heaven - maybe
35. Do you believe in God - ....maybe

36. What do you want done with your body when you die - i dont no yet
37. If you could have any animal for a pet, what would it be? tiger
38. What is the longest you've ever stayed up - i dont no sometime last summer
39. Can you eat with chopsticks - no
40. What's your favorite coin - quarters
41. What are some of your favorite candies - i like peanut m&m's
42. What's something that you wish people would understand - that im sensitive and be nice to me please...
43. What's something you wish you could understand better - why people dont understand im
44. Who is someone that you really wish was still around - i honestly dont no
45. Who is your best friend[S]?uhhh erin
46. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? yes
47. Longest relationship?...on and off count? last year
48. How many actual relationships have you been in?i guess u can say 2 now
49. How many people have you kissed? i dont no kinda stupid question
50. Are you shy around your crush? not no more
51. Still have feelings for anyone you've been in a past relationship with? no
52. Do you know what it feels like to be in love/How? i dont no
53. Would you sacrifice your favorite possession for your best friend?lol.. yeah
54. Where is your favorite place to shop? umm i dont care
55. Have any tattoos or piercing's? nope just my ears pierced..
56. What is your favorite thing to wear? umm shirts and pants.....
57 what is the most you have ever spent on a single item of clothing?umm i dont no
62. What is the worst thing you've ever thought looked good? i dont
66. Do you do drugs? no
67 what kind of shampoo do you use? i dont really know i just had to change it
68 Who was the last person that called? mariza
69 where do u want to get marrried? i really want to get married in a catholic church but that prolly cant happen...
71 How many buddies are online right now? 21
72 what would you change about your self? i dont no alot
73 If you had the power to do any one thing, what would it be? to hear what people are thinking...
74 Do you send out holiday cards each year? no
75 Given someone a bath? lol.. no
76 Smoked? yes
77 Bungee jumped? no
78 Made yourself throw up? yeah when im really drunk
79 skinny dipped? not entirly...
80 made yourself cry to get out of trouble? lol... yeah all the time....
81 cried when someone died? yeah
82 Fallen for your best friend? kinda
83. been rejected? yeah
84. rejected someone? lol.. yeah
85. Been used? yes
86. Music: now? none
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