Jan 31, 2005 03:49
tupac Ressuerction and my thoughs from cali and journal entries
tupac ressuerction and my thoughts and ideas from the past.
well tonight i finaly got to watch the tupac ressurection movie and i wanted to see that movie for a very long time im a hudge fan of tupac of his poetry and his music he is a great inspration and was such a smart and strong worded person and made sure what he belived in got across to other people and it made me start to think back to the amazing writings i have and the talent i have to do what i do best and that is to deal with musicans and artist.
if you know who i am and have known me i write in a journal every single night its like my nightly release type thing i guess. like i write poemes lryics and my thoughts bout whats going on and such. i thing prob some of my best writing came from volume 5 witch was mostly writen in my transnition from ct to california. reason why i say this is because i was out experinceing so much shit and seeing so much differnt stuff i would like write 2 pages worth of stuff even if i just sat home for the day i would end up writing like just so much. and you may ask why havent you since you gotten back. i havent given up writeing in my journals yeah there are days when i write like 2 or 3 pages but some times i just write a page and its not as indepth or long as the one in the past. or they really have such a certian topic. like when i lived in cali i kinda had like a topic for some of my writeings like the one ill put in this blog entry tonight will be one from la when i lived out there with roxy and leigh. and also thats a totaly differnt story if you want to know that one read my past blogs. well on with what im gonna put in here from my old journal from california hollywood.
here is a poem i wrote out here this is out of true experince its called
the pan handler
written sunday march 21st 2004
this guy walks the streest up and down
asking for change to get a meal
the task at hand is to get change
some people shun the pan handler and some people help the poor soul
dont feel pitty dont feel remorse its just the survial skill
the pan handler is the modern day pioner living off the land and their souroundings
weather its for drugs or its really for food it dosnt matter
they get change or money from passerbys
the pan handler survies they live they find away
see what inspired me to write this one is i was the pan handler i walked up and down hollywood blvd and sunnset asking people for change to get food in my stomach when i didnt have any money nor anywhere to get food or no one to cook for that day. granted i had a place to sleep and such but it wasnt as easy as people think trying to find a job over populated and over ran by mexicans and other people trying to get their stardom The city of Los Angles and hollywood is over ran by mexicans well southern california is. well thats another situation and story im not racist or anything but its just fucked up i can go on and on bout this subject but thats not why we are here right now to discuss. well let me continue on what my job is on this blog tonight at 3 am on a cold sunday in january. well let me start writing what im here to do.
well here is a entry its one of the more funny things i did in cali with roxy one of the good meories i had when i lived out there its fuckin hilarious
March 30th 2004 tuesday
The Pranksters ARE BACK BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Roxy and I took 2 stinkbombs in the sicentogly building and we went in screaming the damn Nazis gotta be stoped the aluminatie must be killed
and we threw down the 2 stink bombs and ran out of the building and we went down to gutiar center and on our way back we sat across the street lookin right at the secruity dude so we started walking towards the building and the guy comes walkin out so me and roxy booked and the securtiy guard is yellin into his walkie talkie the pranksters are back me and roxy booked and got spearated but met back up at the crib. it was fuckin hilarious seein this fat old guy chasein after me and roxy.
here are rules of life that i think everyone should at least give a try to their lives or try to take these and make them work for them selfs.
The Way of life is ONLY TO MAKE MONEY! that is what only matters
*from the perspective i was in when i lived in la* witch is fucked up but yes it is all what matters and thats what the true meaning of life is money and how to get it. if you dont got it your nothin you got it your everything and everything is at your finger tips.
Get Set Ready Go The mission has been started
the battle lines have been drawn
the sides have been chosen
its do or die time
the mission is stealth incogneto to get behind enemy lines no one is safe
one man army all odds agianst you
the mission is survial objective is to live
time is of the essence plan every move as if its a game of chess no takeing prisioners
set ready go the mission has been started the battle lines have been drawn the sides been chosen its do or die time
you ma sak whats this battle its you vs the world the world is out stop you from getting what is rightfully yours the enemey is anyone who stands in your way
set ready go the mission has been started
the battle lines have been drawn the sides been chosen
its do or die time
the side are open minded vs closeminded
the conformed vs the "uncoformed" they want to take our rights thats the war its time to stop this befour its to late
so stand up and fight for whats rightfully yours!!!!
set ready go the mission has been started
the battle lines have been drawn
the sides have been chosen
its do or die time.
why is it i go through these cylces like im reading through the old california entries trying to find the one i been tryin to post for the past few days and hours and finaly gotten the nerve to do it but what im sayin here is i found this poem with fits what im feelin right now also i dont know why i go throught these stages and shit i really dont get it i think im a good lookin dude and caring and nice person but why cant i ever get the happyness i deserve in ct it was kris in cali i was tryin to get ethan and now im just alone. i kinda still want kris and such but i dont even know whats goin on there well he said hes willin to give it a try and shit and see what happens but hell we dont even live close and shit but he was sayin when we get back together and close livin and shit.
may 10th 2004
Im the hurt
im the broken
im searchin and lookin for life or death
woundering whats nex
always seaking always looking
May 13th 2004
i have seen the light
finnaly i hfeel almost free
am i almost in to the sun
im closer to breathing fresh air
the ligh is the briteghtest i seen in a long time
soon i will be free from the darkness
this darkness i talk about is my life when ever i get out of the pain and the unhappyness of everything for some reason i get draged back in and it just kills me every time but hell at least im not dead and im not as far gone as i was in the past well im done for now i cant find the fuckin entry i wanted to put in there just gotta keep your head up and keep going living and dont give up.