I will sum up the huge changes in my life.
I came. I saw. I survived Iraq. I survived the military.
I am a free women again with a wonderful husband and a lil 7 month old boy named Jaiden.
I wish that everyone in the world could spend just a week in Iraq. My god would your perception change.
Sand, sand, sand and flat. A 360 degree horizon line. Can you imagine? Even imagining isn't even close to seeing.
My respect for the other soldiers that I stood side by side with has increased double fold.
You think you life is bad? Try 15 hours shifts eveyday for 15 moths straight. I ate some of the most vial ass food, had to be subjected to porta john's and oh yeah, few showers. It was worth every second though. A tremendous deal of gratitude and appreciation welled up inside me during my duration. I spoke to many Iraqi's and learned much about how humble and giving they are. If only Americans could have the kind of perception these people had. They are literally living in dirt houses with minimal possession and yet they still have the kindness of giving. Many teenage kids worked with me. Just for a bases, these kids told me that if they were caught playing outside when Saddam was around, they would be shot on sight, no questions asked.
They idealized the freedoms of America. There is hope for the future I believe. The people in power are living in the past, in fact almost as far back as the crusades. Some how the middle east was just left behind. But I saw progress, I saw hope.
The fact of the matter is that this is a religious and drug based war.
The terrorist groups, no big surprise, are the drug suppliers of the world.
For example, almost all of the worlds Heroin is grown in the middle east, not to mention hashish and marijuana and every other thing you can think of that will grow in thier climate. Americans are interferring with thier drug trafficing and the drug runners are retaliating with vicious force because that is all they know to support thier lively hood.
Most of the killings are terrorist groups, or civilians paid by terrorist groups , driving bomb rigged vehicles into public places or road side bombs.
It is sad to hear from the locals that thier poverty is so great they are willing to help an enemy to feed thier family ( and yes the terrorist groups are responsible for more deaths then should every be known.) But what can you do when you have no food in your stomach?
War always has controversy. However, if we did not go to Iraq, well then Iraq would have came to us, now which would you rather? I just wish people would do thier own research and see what information is out there that they haven't heard of.
Being a soldier is the ultimate sacrifice and it makes me livid when some ignorant moron has an opinion about the military without ever having done it themselves. Trust me, you have NO idea.
Respect the soldiers, they are not just some government machine.
Well... anyway.
I am growing my dreads out again and becoming very creative in ways I never thought possible.
My lil son helps me out with painting and such... oh yeah and destroying things.
Now that is a whole nother ball game...watching a baby grow. It is amazing to see the wonder and discovery in thier eyes. A truely precious event that should be cherished.
Speaking of Jaiden, he is getting bored.
if anyone I know well is still interested in contacting me
gypseguide@hotmail.com is my current e-mail address.
I wish you all well in your endeavors.
Don't take life for granted.