I Love the Childrens...

Dec 05, 2007 19:11

Me:What do you need the most help with in your orchestra music?
5th grade violist: Nothing.
Me: Nothing? You're perfect?
5th grade violist: Yes.

4th grade violinist: Where's Mrs. Davis?
Me: I actually have no idea. Sometimes she leaves the room just to see if I can do this.
4th grade violinist: That's okay, you're a good teacher!

Me: I'm sorry, I really should have given you a practice chart last week. I guess I was just being a little flaky.
5th grade violinist: A LITTLE flaky?!?

Me: (Rummaging through binder) Do you remember the parts of the cello?
4th grade cellist: Yes, these are the strings, and this is the neck, and these are the... ears.
Me:(Quickly looks up to see him pointing to the pegs)
Me: How about this? (points to endpin)
4th grade cellist: That's the foot.

Me: Why do you suppose Mr. Turkey doesn't like Thanksgiving Day?!?
4th grade violinist:Because he gets KILLED!
another 4th grade violinist: Because he gets picked off by a sniper!

Beginning cellist with autism:You should hear me play, I'm really good!
Me: I can't wait to hear it!
Beginning cellist with autism: Yeah, I'm better at the cello than you!

4th grade violinist:(picking up a rockstop on the floor) What's this?
Me: Those are for the cellos, since they sit on the ground and we don't want them to slip. Sometimes we call them donuts.
4th grade violinist: Can I eat it? (Begins to put rockstop in mouth)
Me: Hey, if you really want to...

I am playing piano with some violists and we reach the end of the piece and stop.
6th grade violist: Did you get lost?
Me: Yeah, I did. You noticed?
6th grade violist: Yeah, I looked over my stand and saw you there like this; (does impression of me slouched thoughtfully over the piano)

5th grade violist: Miss D., definition; "nag, nag, nag, nag, nag!"
Me: Really. (Playfully glares sideways)
5th grade violist: You got that from Mrs. Davis!

Patti: Miss D., do you want the viola players, or do you want to work with Lisa again today?
Me: Oh, I don't know...
(Lisa's eyes widen and she begins waving her hand frantically in the air)
Me: Goodness, it looks like I'm working with Lisa today!
Lisa: I like working with her!
Patti: (gives me a look that says, 'see, they adore you!')

Me: Okay, Mrs. Davis is at a conference, so you're stuck with me for today
One half of the orchestra: (cheers)
Other half of the orchestra: (groans)
Me: Okay, anyone who just groaned, get out!
Patti's daughter: YAY! (Leaps up and makes for the door)
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