I haven't posted in a while...

Jun 02, 2008 20:01

Although there isn't really much to report!!

Just two more exams to go (although everyone else in my flat and 90% of the SSWIGS have finished already :( ) Tragic Drama tomorrow which is on Oeidipus, Hamlet (or Flamlet after a slight typo!!) and Ghosts. And has prompted us to reform Freud's mother loving work thus resulting in a change of name from the Oeidipus complex to the Hamlet Complex. Oeidipus does not know that he is married and having sex with his mother - when he finds out he is so disgusted he rips his eyes out with pins :S. Hamlet on the otherhand is not just wanting to kill Claudius for revenge for his fathers murder but because he is jealous of him for marrying his mother thus fitting the Complex more accurately.
Then on Wednesday morning I have Transforming Fictions on Robinson Crusoe and Foe. Coetzee - the author of Foe only wrote the novel with lots twists and turns and new looks on the original Crusoe because he is a pretentous asshole who just wanted to win the Booker prize.

Enough on my exams. For after they finish at 11 on Wednesday I intend to go straight to Joes Ice Cream parlour onto JCS (the student bar) then  to Brownies and back to the pub!!!! Then I'm home for the weekend to celebrate my birthday (very excited!!!) Then back to Swansea for a week of fun; exploring the Gower, the big tescos at Fforestfach and my birthday party. Where not only shall we enjoy a Chinese buffet but cocktails on Wind Street and a shniy new Oceana for us to play with!!!

That is about it... although I did just burn my finger and it hurts... a lot :( 

exams, joe's ice cream, birthdays, excitement

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