May 16, 2008 17:32
Yay!!! Got my first exam over and done with this afternoon so am off to the pub later (which was organised over msn thus involving 8 conversations and me asking Michelle in Leicester if she wanted to come by mistake :P - Well Mike and Michelle are very similar names you see!!!) Was quiet a good exam - on English Language but for some reason when I was busy scribbling it was not my lecturer's voice in my head it was Ms Windo and Miss Harris - how random!!! Then some guys phone went off and he got chucked out although ranting in Chinese at the same timethsu distrating everyone!!!!
And I have a day of Guiding tomorrow - Brownies bowling at 11 - 12 (no not using the brownies as bowling balls or pins!!) then the rainbow fairy themed 21st birthday party straight afterwards!!! Right must find a wand..... hmm may be a card scissors and glue job.... and what about wings?
fancy dress,