Aug 06, 2005 17:29
Back from Carbondale. I had an awesome time with my friends. It was awesome. On Sunday night, we went to Upside Downtown with Baby Jess and B. Monday night, I think we stayed in. Not sure. Tuesday night was hangar 9 and that is always a good time. Wed was the Plus Ones and if you like punk and were in the cdale area during this time and missed the band, well you suck. That was one of the best bands I have seen in the Carbondale scene. Thursday night was a frat a party. It was a friend of Annie's and everything was free. It was great. I went home Friday to go see Day At The Fair in Peoria. It was awesome. They did lost and lucky for me in which they rarely do so that was awesome and I had an awesome shout out from Rob so that was great. They were amazing. Back to cdale. It was great. I had some of the best times. I plan on visiting early Sept so be sure to on the look out for that. During the day in cdale, I slept in and ate food and saw friends and packed. I have some stuff out of my car so far but not tons but I will get the rest of the stuff done tomorrow. Unpacking and packing sucks. I start my new classes soon and again, the girls out number the dudes but I have no prob in that. I have realized I have no idea what I want in a girl. I know I want a girl who doesn't annoy me and one who doesn't yell at me in the middle of the mall. I have 2 down. I will add more later. Looks like the chances of Annie and I getting married are getting higher and higher by each day. I have to go because I have to go work and sell some popcorn. I found my Kris Kross tape so I pump those jams now.