Mar 04, 2008 20:45
And it's because I am pregnant (and, apparently, a slacker of the worst kind) that I find that I am ignoring my friends, hardly speaking to anyone outside of my little "bubble" for weeks on end because I am simply too TIRED to do anything outside of my normal routine. How sad is that? I find myself starting nearly every email (or the rare actual conversation) with, "Gosh, I'm sorry it's been so long..." and that blows. I know that part of it is that one my new (apparently) tasks at work consists of spending hours of each day on the phone with mindless morons that--honest-to-God--call their doctor's office to complain of things like, "Well, I'm pregnant and I just ate breakfast and now my stomach is making this WEIRD rumbly noise!!! At least it stopped after a while..."
Honey, that's a little thing we in the medical field like to call DIGESTION. Lord help us all.
My point being that I talk to people like THAT for 7-8 hours a day and then when I get home the last thing I want to do is talk on the phone. I miss talking to my friends and family, I really do, but...ugh...something's just gotta give...
The name debate is in full force.
I guess I really shouldn't call it a "debate" since all that happens is we decide on a name and then I think about it for two days and decide it really won't work after all, or I run it by Maggie and she turns up her nose and tells me about some kid with the same name at school who eats slugs or puts snot in everyone's hair and just ruins it for me. We have a first name for a girl and a middle name for a boy, and everything else is just up in the air. Mikey keeps pointing out that we still have plenty of time, but those of you who were around when I was pregnant with Mags may or may not remember how I tossed names around the entire time and almost ended up giving the poor kid the name she has now PLUS a second long middle name. Not bad in and of itself, but now that we're on the verge of having her last name changed to match everyone else in the house (and she's keeping her original last name as a second middle name), it really could have sucked for her come Scantron Time. No kid wants to fill in bubbles for Maggie Kathryn Grace FirstLastName SecondLastName. Her poor little hand would have cramped up halfway through 'Kathryn'!
And so here we are again...we like Ella for a girl, but have stalled on a middle name. The original votes were for Kathryn or Elisabeth, but a friend of mine has girls with those exact middle names and they both go by their full names, so those are kinda out. "Kathleen" is a strong front runner for now, but I'm also open for suggestions if anyone has any to throw out here.
For a boy name all we have is the middle name: Finley. The first name out of the gate was Oliver James, but there's the whole "O.J." thing (which MUST be added to the fact that there's more than a good chance this kid will have red hair, so any orange juice puns should probably be avoided), and as several friends have said, "That's just a whole lotta name to saddle a little kid with at first." True enough. William Garrett was also a front-runner, Now we've moved on to Jack Finley or Ty Finley. Votes?
><><>< I'm so sleepy I could just die. Back to being a sorry, slacker friend. Please don't hate me.