Nov 01, 2006 03:20
Just got home from a full night of Trick-or-Treating...Mags didn't rack up like I used to, but she's exhausted and happy, so it's all good. She was a chicken, for those of you playing along at home, and lucky for me she was only up for about an hour of candy-hunting. I was only up for about 15 minutes of it myself, but you know...
Had the gallbladder taken out the day after my last entry (as planned) and did great for about a week; then my body decided it was allergic to the stitches (yes, the internal ones) and it hasn't been quite so great since. It's a wait-and-see thing for now, with one surgeon telling me it should heal on its own and the other telling me they might as well go back in, take them out and replace them with something else. *le sigh* Me? I'm just taking a lot of antihistamines and anti-inflammatories, bathing my abdomen with f'ing bleach and sleeping with a heating pad every night. This all has ONE WEEK to heal. Do you hear me, self? One. Week. Because I am DONE (D.O.N.E.) with feeling like achey shit.
In much happier news...
...we closed on the house today!!! M. called me right after lunch to congratulate me. :) He's already moved in, I'm going out next week to furniture shop with him and we're U-Hauling it out to Texas the week after Christmas.
Annnd I got to see my Heather this past weekend (along with Guff, Jackie and Danny) and will see both Amy and Kat (as well as Sweet Bebe Giraffe and Giraffe, Sr. later this week). These are good things, people!
So with that, I'm off to bed. Just wanted to, you know, let the three of you who care know that I'm still alive. *wink*