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Jun 04, 2010 22:01

NAME: Mono
AGE: 20
JOURNAL: cursedpanda
RETURNING: violentsoftie, soonillbe

FANDOM: Toward the Terra
CHRONOLOGY: in the process of escaping the authorities with Jomy by bicycle (episode 2)
CLASS: hero
SUPERHERO NAME: he. doesn't have one.
ALTER EGO: Leo With Turtleneck and Glasses

Toward the Terra takes place in a world of the future, where humanity has perpetrated Al Gore's worst nightmare and completely ruined planet Earth with pollution and over-breeding. To save humanity, the majority of the planet's population is sent into space to colonize other planets and a computer system is designed to regulate birthrate and control the finer points of humanity. A few hundred years after the implementation of the computer program--known as the Superior Domination System, or SD--natural birth had been eliminated and all of humanity was regulated by the computer. Children were genetically engineered and grown from fetuses in laboratories, then given to foster parents at "birth". After spending their first fourteen to fifteen years of life with their foster parents, children were then subjected to an "adult examination" in which their childhood memories were erased and their minds were prepared to accept the teachings of the system. It was at this time that anomalies began to appear in the system--some children created by the computer technology manifested strange abilities as they grew, and their DNA was found to be different from that of normal humans. It was considered an entirely new species, marked by physical disabilities virtually unseen in humans and powerful psychic abilities. This new species was known as the Mu, and the first child to be discovered as one eventually became their leader, Soldier Blue. Over time the Mu who managed to survive the aggressive government attempts to eliminate them banded together, hiding from humanity on a stolen space ship called the Shangri La. Over the course of the series, the Mu and humans have several conflicts before eventually overcoming the oppressive system that separates them.

Leo was born into the SD System. He was genetically engineered by the computer system and taken in by a pair of qualified foster parents. He was born mute, which cast him under immediate suspicion because of the rare nature of physical disabilities. He also became aware of his powers as a Mu at a very young age--chiefly, his ability to communicate telepathically--and lived his early life very carefully to avoid detection by his already suspicious parents or the government. When he was around the age of twelve, he was rescued by Soldier Blue and taken to the Shangri La. Over time, Leo became a respected member of the Mu, and was trusted with many spying and reconnaissance missions. He seems to have had a hand in rescuing many Mu children from the SD System. He was also trained to be a skilled pilot and held a position on the bridge of the Shangri La.

In Leo's first appearance in the series, he is tailing the main character Jomy, disguised as a human. He did this on Soldier Blue's orders because Jomy was a suspected Mu who was about to go through his adult examination. With Soldier Blue's help, Leo rescued Jomy from the government goons who were trying to kill him and took him to the Shangri La, where he gave Jomy a crash-course in Mu history and the workings of the ship. He later took Jomy, who was in denial about his identity as a Mu, back to his home, where the two of them were captured by police. Leo was tortured and Jomy interrogated, but just as things were about to get ugly Jomy fully awakened to his Mu powers and they were able to escape. I will be bringing Leo into the City from the midst of this part of canon, while he and Jomy are fleeing from the police after revisiting Jomy's home.

The next major canon event Leo is involved in takes place fifteen years later, when the Mu have settled on an out-of-the-way planet called Naska. By this time, Jomy was the leader of the Mu, who had recently rediscovered natural reproduction. Their position was discovered by Keith Anyan, a high-ranking member of the S.D. military. Jomy attacked Keith to prevent him from spreading the news of their existence to his superiors, and Keith gained the upper hand in the fight--but just as Keith was about to deliver a killing blow, Leo descended in a fighter craft and tried to kill him. Jomy stopped him at the last second, however, and Leo merely knocked him out instead. Keith still managed to escape after being imprisoned and interrogated by the Mu, and before long the military descended on Naska. Using the power of the Death Star a powerful planet-destroying weapon called the Megiddo, the military caused fatal damage to the planet, and a grief-stricken Leo tried unsuccessfully to save the few Mu who were unwilling to evacuate to the Shangri La, most of them the very children he had rescued years previously. He escaped the planet's destruction at the last minute, and the Mu fled the military.

After the incident at Naska, the Mu took a much more aggressive stance toward the SD System and began conquering human territories one at a time, destroying the computer terminals that controlled each colony and moving on, heading for the prize of humanity: Earth, better known at that point in history as Terra. Finally, upon their arrival in the Solar System, they met once again with Keith Anyan--now the leader of the entire government--who agreed to a diplomatic conference between the Mu and the humans. During this conference, Keith and Jomy went alone to meet with the controller of the SD System, the computer program known as Grandmother. In the end, even Keith chose to defy the system, and though he and Jomy managed to destroy Grandmother, its destruction caused the collapse of the building it was housed in--which also happened to be full of innocent humans, some of them children. Leo died in the collapse after pushing a human woman out of the way of a crumbling wall.


"We cannot abandon our friends. We want to save as many friends as possible no matter what danger we face." -Leo

Leo is, above all else, a gentle man. Despite his extraordinary abilities as a Mu, he rarely uses his powers for anything other than communication and basic ship operation and maintenance. Even when being pursued and shot at, he only uses his power to defend himself. The only time he even considers violence is when he is trying to protect others. The job he considers most important is rescuing Mu from the oppressive SD government, and he does so at great expense to his personal safety.

Leo enjoys spending time with children, and seems to have a lot of patience in that regard. He's the kind of person who is always working in the background--he doesn't always get mentioned or noticed, but he's the most reliable guy around. He is incredibly loyal to Soldier Blue and, once leadership has been passed on to him, Jomy. He serves as a sort of right-hand man, coming when called, doing special missions and occasionally giving advice. Leo also shows deep loyalty to anyone he considers a friend--the happiness and safety of those he cares about is always more important to him than his own.

At the point in canon I'm pulling him from, Leo is around fifty years old. He doesn't visibly age over the course of canon, though about fifteen years pass from beginning to end. That's a Mu trait. Since he was rescued by the Mu when he was around twelve, Leo's had many years to gain respect and his small position of authority in the community. What he has, he's worked for.

Leo is a Type Green Mu, which means that he has many psychic abilities that are mainly defensive. Translated to "powers" they go a little something like this:

1. Telepathy - the ability to read other people's minds, speak into their minds, and hear the mental voices of others.

2. Shielding - the ability to create a short-term psychic shield that can block physical and non-physical attacks.

3. Technopathy - the ability to interface directly with machines.

I do not know why I have been brought here. I do not think I am the kind of hero the computer is looking for.

But more importantly: there was a boy with me. His name is Jomy. It is very important that I find him, so please...

If you know where he is, tell me. I would be extremely grateful.

Leo sat on a park bench, dressed in human garb, endeavoring to look calm. It wasn't difficult, really, since he was well-versed in blending in among humans, but he couldn't deny the anxiety he was feeling inside. He felt that he and Jomy had been lucky to escape the authorities the first time, and most children were grateful to be taken in by the Mu--but Jomy had demanded to be taken back, and even after seeing that his parents had disappeared he wasn't willing to be taken back to the Mu mother ship. Leo watched as Jomy was stopped by two other children--presumably friends of his from school--and wondered if it was wrong of him to feel so jealous of a mere boy.

Jomy had loving parents, good friends, and had lived a carefree life up until the previous day. While it had been many years since Leo had lived among humans, he could still remember it clearly--living in fear of his parents, his teachers, the other children...afraid they would discover his secret. He had lived so carefully that making friends had been nearly impossible, and the way his parents had regarded chilled him, even nearly forty years later. But Jomy was entirely different. His childhood memories were warm, almost painfully so. Leo wished he could have experienced such a wonderful thing at that age. All of his warm memories came from living among the Mu.

Still, soon enough Jomy would learn the ways of the Mu as well. "Jomy!" Leo called telepathically as a school official approached the boy. It was time to leave, whether Jomy was ready or not. They couldn't afford another close pursuit.

"This way!" As Jomy hurried toward Leo's position, the older Mu took a deep breath. Maybe, one day, Jomy would share those warm feelings with him as well.

Until then, he would just have to watch and wait.

When Leo enters the City he will be dressed as a human and riding on a bicycle. The bicycle is red.
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