Title: Dear Journal
cookie-junkieRating: PG13 - for Dean's pottymouth
Fandom: Supernatural
Characters: Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester
Genre: Angst
Warnings: Character Death, Spoilers like woah for 2x17
Summary: Dean POV where he dicides to keep a journal after they meet Maddie in 'Heart'
A Teaser because I'm cool like that:
I don't really know the purpose of a journal. I never really had one… but I found that Sam keeps a journal. And dad did… so I was thinking… why not. Journals helped both dad and Sam when they were at their lowest points. So why not make one when I'm at my lowest point. After all that is where I am. Low. The lowest I have ever been. I don't know how much more I can take.
Fake cut contains spoilers for 'Heart' )
Also contains an alternate ending for the people who want to choke on their own tears and die of asphyxiation.
cross-posted everywhere like woah.