Dec 04, 2010 22:46
Been watching a lot of Doctor Who lately. And I mean A LOT. But only the last three seasons. (Because those are the only ones Mom has.)
Of course in a few weeks I will have my own copies of all of them but the latest one. (And I'm very excited let me tell you.)
I feel a bit like a geek because I've been wandering around my house with a very thick British accent. I can't help myself, it doesn't matter what show I'm watching if a character has an accent I end up slipping into the same accent.
Tuesday we're leaving for Florida. And I can't help but think of "The Big Bang" where The Doctor is going back through his life and he sees when he and Amy went to Space Florida. And I'm probably gonne end up
Yes, my life is one big geeky wibbly-wobbley timey-wimey mess but I love it. =)
and whatnot,
doctor who