Stole many a man's soul and faith

Sep 17, 2008 08:26

Have I mentioned that I LOATHE college? No really, the classes suck. Hardcore. The teachers are all either old and boring or rude and they don't really teach. The only one I'm actually learning anything from is my math teacher. Who rocks. =)
[How weird is that? The English person likes her math prof better than her comp prof. The world is coming to an end.]
I don't really want to go to college. I'm pretty sure I'd be happy doing nothing but writing and drawing for the rest of my life. If I could actually sell anything I've written. But a degree wouldn't hurt. I'm not even sure what I want to do. I mean, I like history, and I like to write and draw...and sing and act. So I could do anything.

Anyway, out of the depressing zone. I put Greatest Joke of All on hold. Not that it even got started. Let's face it, that first chapter [which was originally a one-shot] sucked. Like hardcore.

Heroes starts next week. I'm excited about it. I've missed my Kensei and Sylar. And Peter. And even Elle. Because dadgummit, she's grown on me. I don't know how, but she did. My Heroes shirts came in yesterday. [Pics on my myspace. Album Misc. last page.] YEY! I LOVE my shirts. They're soooo awesome.

You're getting a play by play of the Fringe episode from last night. So watch this space. I'm feeling chatty today. =)

I might even watch Season 2 of Heroes and comment on that. Or on Chuck! Because my dad bought me the Chuck dvd!
More on that later. Back to Fringe. It was pretty good last week. You know, despite being Jake from Cursed and Denethor from Lord of the Rings. That's all I see them as. Maybe Fringe will be a pallate 300 was for David Wenham, because after Van Helsing all I could see him as was Carl...[Which just RUINS LOTR, let me tell you.] But he was just so badass in 300 that it cured me. Now all I need to find is a Viggo Mortensen pallate cleanser. Since Eastern Promises ruined EVERY Viggo movie.

Torchwood came out on dvd yesterday. Didn't ask dad to get that one for me. Because I didn't like season 2 all that much and the ones I did like I have on my ipod. The ones I like being the pre-zombie Owen ones. Since Owen was my fav. until he died. Then Ianto became all badass and whatnot so Owen got replaced and then he died...again.
But he did get me Chuck like I said. I'm so excited about having it. I ADORE Chuck. It's soooooooo good. And it's got Matt Bomer. And I think everybody knows how I feel about Matt Bomer...and if not then let my large and colorful font break it down for you......


So, my hair is pissing me off. It won't grow. I mean, don't get me wrong I like it short; it's cute. But I miss being able to actually do something with it. It's quite upsetting. Irritating even.
Speaking of irritating things, the weather is ALSO upsetting. One day it'll be so hot you wish you'd die the next it'll be a torrential downpour and the next it'll be subartic. Make up your friggin mind!

I've got a paper due in history on Monday over the Virginia Company. And all I can think about every time I start to write it is that song from Pocahontas. It's rather annoying.


david wenham, adam monroe, suck, blah, school, homework, van helsing, viggo mortensen, and whatnot, fringe, torchwood, chuck, kensei, david anders, bleh, heroes, matt bomer

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