Nov 26, 2007 20:43

It’s CHUCK time boys and girls, and I’m so excited about it that it gets its own post. How awesome is that?

First off, let me say the more I watch this show the more Casey reminds me of Jayne. It’s uncanny. Actually, it’s Adam Baldwin but whatev. OMG, I used a Katy-ism!!! Ahh!!!

Ooh, sexy sexy Matt Bomer. Ow ow!! Whoo!

Aw, Chuck you’re so cute. Ok, that was kinda gross Morgan. You shouldn‘t shove your tongue down coworker’s throat .

Ew, Black Friday. Glad I stayed in that day. I’d hate to have been out in that.

Oh, slap in the face for poor Chuck. Oh Matt Bomer, why are you so pretty? It’s just not fair how hott you are.

Is he speaking Klingon? Dude, how awesome was that?

Aw Bryce, don’t tempt the killer, he might actually do it and then you’d be dead again. And I have to cry. I don’t wanna think of you dying again, it’d be worse than when I read that they planned to kill Will & Tyler on Traveler. THAT was depressing. And SOOO unfair, b/c it actually made me happy that they ended it before they got there.

NATIONAL TREASURE 2 OMG!!!!! I ♥ NATIONAL TREASURE!!! I swear to God, Riley is me in like 5 years. And I’m commenting on commercials…sad.

Wait a second, is that the guy from Traveler, Marlow’s partner, the one that got shot. Oh God, what was his name? Um, Borjes? Was that it? Anyway, I think that’s him, how odd is that?

Aw, Casey. You look so hott in a suit. OMG, suit. Awesome.

So sexy in the shadows love. MATT BOMER, MATT BOMER, MATT BOMER!!!!! (Sigh) Sorry that I’m not really commentating on the show and am just gushing over Matt Bomer, but seriously people, it’s Matt Bomer can you blame me? He’s just so f-ing hott!!! It’s my Jay! I ♥ it!

Oh look, it’s Freed from Traveler on Tin Man. Golly they’re everywhere aren’t they?

Heh, golly. I used a Sylar-ism.

JAY!!! JAY!!! JAY!!! JAY!!!


(Clears throat.) Sorry about that.

Can you blame her, it’s MATT f-ing Bomer!!!! SOOOOOO HOTT!!!!! Aw, poor Chuck. L

Oh Matt Bomer…why are you so pretty. Aw, listen to him Sarah. Fulcrum? Is that like the fourth branch?

And now he shot Matt Bomer again. Gah, Adam Baldwin, you’re making it hard for me to like you. I mean, Casey reminds me of Jayne so I feel obligated to like him…but if you keep shooting my Matt Bomer, I’m not sure I can like you. (Sigh)

I hope that they keep Bryce around. I’m digging the triangle. And it’s not like Matt Bomer is acting on another show or anything since they cancelled Traveler.

Aw Chuck, I still love you. Dude, it IS Borjes. Scary. (Chuckle) Black Friday….you make for SUCH funny things.

Heh, exploding store? Odd. But funny.

Aw, Chuck It’s okay.

Something horrible is going to happen now. Called it. I think van crashing into the car counts as something horrible. AND Chuck is ambushed by our ex-beloved dead cop Borjes. Predictable, but still fun. I ♥ Matt Bomer. (Sigh)

I REALLY like this episode so far. It makes me smile. And it kinda makes me REALLY miss Traveler.

No, not my Bryce! NOOOOO!!!!! Heh, and the butt kicking begins.

Save Chuck!! And Casey!!!

Heh, awesome. I like that code word, it’s almost better than funky town from Supernatural. Almost. I’m going to start using that. Heh, cool. Oh Borjes. You were so awesome on Traveler and then you died and now you’re evil. Sad day.

Dude, that’s what the scar is from! It’s from Chambers murdering him! Lol, I have too much free time.

Go Bryce go!!! Kick butt and look super hott while doing it!!! Aw, it’s kinda like PotC 3 with Will & Elizabeth when they get married.

Heh, more Klingon. I ♥ it!! Soooo much! They’re SUCH geeks! But Matt Bomer is SOOOOOOOOOOOO hott!!!!!! Adam Levi isn’t bad looking either. Neither is Adam Baldwin. Course, Adam Baldwin is an acquired taste. I REALLY wanna watch Traveler now…and Firefly…at the same time. :D

Ooh, a suit. That man looks DAMN good in a suit. Aw, no Bryce. Come back, don’t go. You’re too damn pretty to die…so very pretty. You’re too pretty for God to let you die… Whoa…. Firefly reference.

Sarah, don’t leave! Chuck needs you. Though, I wouldn’t blame you if you did. I mean it IS Matt Bomer.

Aw, Bryce she’s not coming. L You can call me Bryce. I’ll run off with you!!! Pick me!!!!!

doodly doo, I ♥ Matt Bomer, rant, chuck

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