(no subject)

Jul 23, 2007 18:15

Wotcher mates!

So, I finished Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows on Saturday (the day I got it via UPS) and I think Dr. Who pretty much summed it up:

"Wait till you read book 7...Oh, I cried."

Thank you Barty Crouch Jr. for that lovely insight. For those of you who don't know, David Tennant (Dr. Who) played Barty Crouch Jr. in GoF.

Yeah, so I'm not gonna lie, I cried...a lot. It hasn't quite hit me yet that the series is over.

My mum & I went out to Border's big shindig for the book premiere, and it was pretty spiffy! There were three girls there that were dressed as The Marauders and they pretty much owned everything, that's how awesome their costumes were. We didn't stay to get a book though, we watched them bring them out and start selling them and then we left. We were gonna wait but b/c of how they had it split up the folks who didn't have a book reserved there weren't going to get their's till 3 in the morning, I had a book on the way so I didn't need to get one. When we first got there we had like hours till they started passing out books so we decided to go see the movie again. I dressed up as a Hufflepuff Quidditch player complete with Hufflepuff sweater, scarf and a homemade beanie with the Hufflepuff insignia on it. (Why Hufflepuff? B/c I <3 Cedric and b/c Black & Gold are my school colours, so I can get away with wearing the beanie/sweater/scarf at other times)

Course it was like 104 degrees, so on the way to the movie I changed. Then I looked like a complete dork, I had a Gryffindor tank top over an OotP tank top (B/c as pretty as my skull & crossbone bra is, the whole world didn't need to see it) and a Gryffindor tie on, my Hufflepuff scarf, and skirt, black knee socks, my laceless cons and my odd Hufflepuff coloured Gryffindor jacket. (Oh, and I was carrying a Ron plushie and my trusty Sirius action figure.) Yeah, I know, I'm a dork.

Anyway, the next day (Saturday) I waited all morning for my book to show up, when it finally did I read it in one setting, I only took one bathroom break and one break to grab some food. When I finished it, I like everyone else who's finished it was a bit depressed. But only because there were a couple of deaths that just completely blindsided me, I never saw 'em coming. I mean, you know there are some people who you expected to die, some who when they died you giggled/did a happy dance/ yelled HA! That's what you get bastard/bitch/whatever but there are always those that you don't expect.

Overall, one kickass book. A fantastic end to the series. (A much better ending then Traveler got anyway)

The 5th movie rocks my socks off!!!!

Apparently, I'm still angry & in denial about Sirius' death. Or, at least Katy says I am. We were having a conversation about the joys of fanfiction and I said: "Well, the joy of fanfiction is that if they kill your favourite character you can write a story where they come back from the dead and kill everybody"

and Moony goes, "Are you still upset about J.K. killing Sirius?"

I was like "No...not really....Well, maybe....I guess...a little...alright, so I'm still pissed."

Speaking of Kate, went to the movies with her last night, we took her boyfriend (my twin, I'm not lying. So much alike it's scary!) we also took her little sis. Emma's pretty cool. Anyway, we went and saw Ootp. They hadn't seen it, I have now seen it 3 times. It was sooo funny, Emma & I were throwing popcorn at them to get them to watch the movie. And Andrew & I think alike too, (ooh scary!) when they're in Grimmauld Place and Tonks trips he looks at me and goes, "that'd so be you". And then when they meet Luna and she's all loopy he goes "Aw, look Bri it's you! You're like a mini-Tonks crossed with Luna". I had thought the exact same thing the last 2 times I saw the movie....creepy. Stay outta my brain Andrew!!!! (-runs and makes an aluminum foil hat and places it on her head-) What? Aluminum foil is easier than Occulmency.

Oh, I almost forgot, while we were at Borders there was this guy there who looked EXACTLY like Neville!!! It was scary. Oh, then there was this girl there who could've dressed as Bellatrix. I'm not kidding, this girl looked so much like her that it was terrifying.

Right, so I'm done with this rant.

marauders, harry potter book, depressed, luna, harry potter movie, tonks, odd

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