Nov 03, 2008 00:43
ok, so i post this rant on a friend's journal and figured that i might as well post it here and share my thoughts with you guys. the topic was about Sylar and the third season, how some people think he is turning soft and all. Here is what i think on the matter:
unfortunately if you want sylar to keep being a part of this show, something like this has to happen. i shows such like this, a villain has to either get killed or switch sides in order to be kept around, it's sad but true. our dear sylar is being spiked,as i like to call it. you guys remember spike from the show buffy the vampire slayer, right? often times i have made a reference about how similar these two characters are and i could go on and on about it but i don't want to bore you. the point is, that sylar is on a road to redemption, this does not happen over night and yes, there is a patch there where they seem to loose their balls. also, i don't know if you guys are aware of the hero's journey by joseph campbell? if you haven't, you can read about it here you cna apply a lot of this steps into sylar's story.
i can get very defensive about this character because it is tome the best characters on television. i am indeed interested in his redemption and scratching through the different levels this character has. to say he is only a sociopathic killer without any drive makes him sound too one dimensional to me. the fact that he is evolving makes him even more interesting, even if its in a way that most people wont like, but he is changing, growing. this is what character arcs are all about.
i go back to a lot of moments in S1:
in parasite when he asked mohinder "don't i deserve to be saved? aren't i just a victim? i didn't ask for this". i just love that scene
the hard part was great because we got to see sylar with his mom (or who he thought his mother was at the time) and he said a lot of things in those scenes that are extremely important. when he sees his father's watch broken and his mother refers to it as junk, he says "it's a beautiful piece, he just needs some attention", yes, he was talking about himself. there we actually see him feeling remorse, wanting to stop the madness and return to hims old pathetic life but it wasn't until he killed his mother than he realized it was too late for him and that he was nothing more than a killer. now, that he has the family he always wanted, a mother than accepts him for who he is, a purpose in life, the chance to become a hero and be remembered for all eternity, he is doing what he thinks its right to earn his salvation.
i could rant for hours on end about this, but i won't, haha. i agree with you about the writing and how they have completely shattered the characters i love. where is my peter from season one, i miss him! mohinder, he is supposed to be a professor and have some common sense, instead he always ends up making the wrong choices and working for the bad guys. honestly sylar's storyline is the only one i truly feel passionate about.
about the whole syelle thing, im ambivalent. it is a bit strange to see sylar with someone in a sexual level, but honestly its something natural. why? because it's all part of being human yes, and it goes with the notion that the guy is not just a cold blooded monster, but he is being humanized in a way that might feel uncomfortable to us, but that again, it's necessary to the character's development. we have to remember that sylar was a guest rol, and that he was going to get killed on season one. i think it's great that the writers not only kept him alive all this time but made him an important part of the series. some don't want to see him with anyone because of their own personal reasons, but to think that the guy is completely dead inside and will never get laid is a bit unrealistic. i don't think elle dated him in the past though,i think she manipulated him with H.R.G, but we will have to wait and see what happens.
the problem with the show now is the fact that the first season was so great, that it can't really match to it.people have too many expectations. it's like when artists write an awesome song and then when the second single comes along people expect it to be equally great or better, but it's's just ok. i don't think the show will be as great as we want it to be because of our own expectations of it.
this is all of course my honest opinion, but im sure we can all agree to disagree