[Fic] strangeallure: Phantom Pain

Nov 29, 2012 05:21

[ Crossovers ]
Title: Phantom Pain
Alternate links: AO3
Status of work: complete
Characters and/or pairings:Sam Winchester, Jarold Kampfer (played by Mark Pellegrino), Carly Kampfer; Grimm/Supernatural
Rating:PG-13 for disturbing thoughts and imagery as well as some violence
Warnings, kinks & contents: [Click to read]show-level depictions of hallucinations/possible mental illness; some violence; very brief mention of sexual violence
Summary: Sam is working a case in Portland when he meets single father Jarold and his daughter Carly. To others, Jarold seems like a kind and gentle man, but when Sam sees Jarold's face, all his instincts tell him to get the girl and run.
Set between Supernatural 7x6 Slash Fiction and 7x7 The Mentalists and after Grimm 2x3 Bad Moon Rising. No prior knowledge of Grimm necessary. This is Sam’s point of view, and he doesn’t know anything about the Grimm universe.

Reccer's notes: This fic is proof that sometimes you don't need a full blown crossover to make an impact. The author's use of minor characters from Grimm works perfectly to confront Sam's issues, without needing a full knowledge of the other show involved. (though it makes it even better when you do)

[Short excerpt]Jarold Kampfer might be good at protecting his privacy on the internet, but if publicly available sources won’t turn up anything, Sam is not above digging deeper. He pulls up the guy's DMV page, hoping that, magically, the face in the photo will have changed from what he expects.

The guy in the picture is a little younger than Sam knows him, his hair a little shorter, but there is no margin of error, no room for doubt. The lines of his face, the eyes that look like they understand everything about what they see, the mouth that can seduce you with truths just as well as with lies - it's all there.

Jarold Kampfer looks just like Nick, Lucifer's vessel.

fic: 5-15k, *challenges, c: lucifer, *gen, *crossovers, t: non-au, ^fic, c: sam winchester, t: s7

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