[Vid] Affably Evil: A Conviction of Angels

Jun 29, 2012 22:57

[ GEN ]
Title: A Conviction of Angels
Vidder: AffablyEvil
Length of vid: 5:01
Rating: PG-13
Warnings, kinks & contents: [Click to read]Some visual spoilers up through season six. Violence, character death. Possible epilepsy warning.

Audio used: Another Radio Song by Okkervil River

Reccer's notes: An ensemble piece that manages to take familiar scenes and tell a completely new story with them. Affably uses well-chosen clips and subtle manipulation of color to make clips from season one to season six flow seamlessly into each other, and visual beats are perfectly in sync with the more literal beats of the song.

In other words: It's pretty. You guys should watch it.

visual rating: sfw, *challenges, t: au: canon divergence, ^vids, vid: 5+min, *gen

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