[Fic] thuviaptarth: Skinless (The Carnal Knowledge Remix)

Nov 24, 2012 22:13

[ Random: Gen ]
Title: Skinless (The Carnal Knowledge Remix)
Writer: thuviaptarth
Alternate links: lj | AO3 
Status of work: complete
Characters and/or pairings: Sam, Dean, shifter from Skin, can be read as Sam/Dean
Rating: R
Warnings, kinks & contents: [Click to read]Child abuse, sexual violence, incest in the eye of the beholder
Length: 100o words
Summary: We're all the same beneath the skin.

Reccer's notes: A recent rewatch of Skin reminded me of my love for this little ficlet. There's such a strong sense of rhythm with a slow build-up of intensity to it that, whenever I read it, I almost feel compelled to read it aloud. I love how this fic, like canon, mixes up Dean's mind and the shifter's and thus explores Dean's feelings of alienation; and just the raw, resentful, stream-of-consciousness angriness of it.

[Short excerpt]Yeah, sneer at me like your shit don't stink. You stink the same inside, everyone does. Inside you're nothing but blood and slime and shit. I keep looking for something sweeter, but it's never there.

fic: 0-1k, t: s1, c: dean winchester, *gen, ^fic, t: incest, c: sam winchester, *random

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