[fic] oddishly: Oh my next girl (she'll be nothing like my ex girl)

Nov 23, 2012 21:30

[ Sam/Dean ]
Title: Oh my next girl (She'll be nothing like my ex girl)
Writer: oddishly
Alternate links: on AO3
Status of work: complete
Characters and/or pairings: Sam/Dean
Rating: NC-17
Warnings, kinks & contents: [Click to read]For underage (Sam is 16) and crossdressing. And a fair bit of exhibitionism. And schmoop. And like, semi-banditry? Um.
Length: 13,300 words
Summary: It's amazing what you can get away with when people think you're a girl and your brother is your boyfriend.

Reccer's notes: There's something about this story (well, there's something about all of oddishly's stories) that is absolutely perfect. Slightly AUish, or not, but the boys are young and they're more free and uninhibited, and there's still so much love. oddishly's crisp writing tells a tale of tallness that remains so real and so raw. And there's a bathtub. And leg-shaving. And wigs. And skirts. On both boys.

[Short excerpt]In the bar, different than last time, Sam cannot take his eyes off his brother. Dean wears the outfit like a gun, different skirt because he's too big for Sam's floaty skirt thing; different top for the hell of it. It's not the one he put on while Sam was still in the bedroom. Sam wonders how many he tried on. This one is bright red. "It really sets off your eyes," Sam tells him.

fic: 5-15k, *sam/dean, t: pre-series, t: crossdressing, t: underage, ^fic

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