[Fic] FayJay: Star Struck

Nov 02, 2012 00:22

[ J2 ]
Title: Star Struck
Writer: FayJay
Status of work: complete
Characters and/or pairings: Jared/Jensen
Rating: NC-17
Warnings, kinks & contents: [Click to read]contains brief reference to past dubcon, which some may find triggery
Length: 41,380
Summary: A J2 movie AU based on 'Notting Hill', featuring misunderstandings, secrets, lies, twists, turns, comic books, Japanese-Ethiopian fusion cuisine, a lesbian wedding, several fabulous movies that really should exist, heartache, tequila, some exceptionally awful blind dates, hot boy-on-boy sex, and true love.

Reccer's notes: Notting Hill is such a favourite movie and each and every time I read this fic I am sucked in completely, it's THAT good, THAT well written, and THAT awesome -- geek!Jared owns a comic book store! -- and most probably one of the very best J2 fic I've ever read. It's incredibly entertaining and so beautifully done: there's angst and FUN, brilliant dialogue and a perfectly believeble emotional super sexy relationship between Jared and Jensen. Absolutely delightful.

c: jensen ackles, fic: 15-50k, c: jared padalecki, *jared/jensen, ^fic

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