[Fic]: Partners by PaBurke

Oct 14, 2012 19:49

[ Minor Characters ]
Title: Partners
Writer: PaBurke
Alternate links: (if any exist)
Status of work: complete
Characters and/or pairings:Victor Henriksen, Jo Harvelle, also appearances by Dean, Sam and Ellen
Warnings, kinks & contents: not an issue
Summary: An AU ending Jus In Bello, Victor makes a career change

Reccer's notes: This fic gives us the Victor Henriksen as a hunter that we should have gotten, expanding his story beyond Jus in Bello and bringing him together with Jo in a partnership that works way better than I'd ever thought it would have.

[Short excerpt]The deadline for the first month happened in the middle of a dangerous job. Jo didn't even realize that it had happened. Victor knew, but decided not to bring it up until after. They were too busy trying to stay alive and then celebrating survival with alcohol. (Jo could drink him under the table.) Then, Jo talked about her Hunter father that she never had the chance to know and he spoke of a daughter that probably was his, but he couldn't claim.

Then another job came along.

And another one.

And another one.

There was no talk of separating.

c: jo harvelle, t: au: canon divergence, t: s3, *gen, c: victor henriksen, ^fic, fic: 1-5k, t: fix-it, *minor character

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