[VID] elektra56765: New Divide

Oct 10, 2012 12:00

[GEN ]
Title: New Divide
Vidder: elektra56765
Length of vid: 4:27
Characters and/or pairings: Sam, Dean
Warnings, kinks & contents: [Click to read]None
Audio used: Linkin Park-New Divide

Reccer's notes: The editing is just phenomenally done and really sets the mood for the whole fanvid. Set in Season 4 the song is perfect for Sam and Dean. This video basically summarizes Dean and Sam’s thoughts for Season 4 as they try and fight for common ground. It’s more than just some footage and a song used, it goes together wonderfully to create an excellent video.

c: sam winchester, t: s4, ^vids, t: angst, c: dean winchester, *gen, vid: 3-5min

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